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In orbit, astronauts appear weightless and float because they are in a state of constant freefall towards Earth. Due to the lack of air resistance and the gravitational pull being the only force acting on them, they experience the sensation of weightlessness.

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Q: Because of freefall astronauts appear this way in orbit?
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Is it possible for an object in freefall to have no acceleration?

No, but it is possible to not have an increase in speed. Because velocity is a directional quantity, not a scalar one, an object in freefall (by definition within a gravity field) is always under acceleration, just not necessarily one that alters its speed or even its position. Objects in orbit around a planet are in freefall (hence weightlessness) where the tangential component of their forward motion opposes the pull of gravity.

A friend says that astronauts in orbit are weightless because they're beyond the pull of earth's gravity correct your friend's ignorance?

Weightlessness in orbit is not due to being beyond Earth's gravity, but rather to being in a state of continuous free fall around the planet. In orbit, the spacecraft and everything inside are falling towards Earth at the same rate, creating the sensation of weightlessness. Gravity is still present in orbit but it is balanced by the spacecraft's forward motion, creating an apparent state of weightlessness.

How much force would you exert on a scale if you were in orbit?

In orbit, you would feel weightless because you are in free fall towards Earth, experiencing only the force of gravity. As a result, you would not exert any force on a scale because there is no solid surface pushing back against your weight.

How motion of satellite similar to the motion of an object in freefall?

The motion of a satellite is similar to the motion of an object in freefall because both experience a gravitational force that causes them to accelerate toward the center of the Earth. However, the satellite's forward velocity allows it to continuously fall around the Earth rather than crashing into it. This balance between the gravitational pull and the satellite's velocity keeps it in orbit.

Can you create zero gravity on earth?

While it is not possible to completely eliminate gravity on Earth, a simulated zero-gravity environment can be created temporarily through techniques such as parabolic flights or drop towers. This allows occupants to experience the sensation of weightlessness for short periods of time.

Related questions

Because of free fall astronauts appear this way in orbit?


When astronauts float while in orbit because inertia and what are balanced in orbit?


Are astronaunts in orbit around earth really weightless?

The astronauts appear to be weightless as they are in a constant freefall, falling at the same speed as the space vehicle they are on. They are 'falling' but due to their angular speed, they are 'falling' around the earth, so don't crash into it. They still have their mass, but you can't really weigh the astronauts as any scales you try to use will read zero as the scales will also be 'falling' at the same rate.

Why do astronauts float weightlessly in space?

There is (apparent) zero gravity. The absolute gravity in orbit is about 90% of what it is on the surface of the earth, but the effective gravity is zero, and for a good reason.The fact is that in orbit, you are actually falling, but your forward speed is such that the curvature of the planet is dropping at the same rate that you are falling.And the astronauts are falling at the exact same speed as their capsule. This is called freefall.

What is the condition for zero gravity?

freefall or stable orbit

What is formed by combining forward motion and freefall?


Are astronauts weightless in orbit?

As there is no gravity in space, everything will float........... Because They're in free fall ........

Where can you go in a zero gravity chamber?

There is no such thing as a zero gravity chamber. The only way to experience weightlessness is in freefall. There are planes that you can board which will go into dives up to 30 seconds long. During these dives the planes are in freefall. Since you are falling at the same rate as the plane is, you will seem to float around the cabin and will feel weightless. It is the same reason that astronauts in orbit are weightless.

What are 4 examples of earth's gravitational pull?

Keeping the Moon in orbit around Earth. Holding objects on the surface of the Earth. Influencing the tides in the oceans. Allowing astronauts to experience weightlessness in space stations or during freefall.

Are astronauts really weightless in orbit?


Are astronauts really weightless in orbit why not?

because both the astronaut and the satellite is attracted towards the center of the earth

Why is the Hubble telescope at that height?

Because it shall orbit above the atmosphere but still be at an altitude where it can be reached for repairs by astronauts.