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Q: Bees are found on ever continent of earth except one which is it?
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Were are bees found?

Every single continent except for Antarctica

Where are bees found?

There are bees on every continent except Antarctica. Bees are happiest in a temperate or sub-tropical climate, but are found in the tropics where there are enough nectar-bearing flowers for them.

What countries and continents can bees be found in?

Bees are found on all continents except Antarctica.

Do bees live in Venezuela?

Yes, bees live in Venezuela.Specifically, bees are native to every continent except Antarctica. The South American continent upon which Venezuela is found has habitats which support both native and naturalized bees. An example of a bee native to Venezuela is the Meliponagenus of stingless bees whereas an example of a naturalized bee is the Apis genus of Africanized honey bees.

What state are bee mostly found in?

Bees are found all over the world except for the Arctic and Antarctic.

What kind of bees are not on every continent?

Honey bees

Do bees live in every continent but antarctica?

Bees live in every continent except antarctica, and everwhere where there are enough nectar-bearing flowers for long enough during the year for them to make enough honey to see them through the rest of the year.

Where is the European honey bee found?

They originated more than 35 million years ago in south-east Asia and steadily spread into Europe. European settlers took honey bees with them when they travelled to other parts of the world and now there are European honey bees in every continent except Antarctica.

Which place does bee lives?

Bees are found everywhere in the world except for the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

Which content does not have bees?

The continent that does not have bees is known as Antarctica. This is the only continent that does not have what are known as insect-pollinated flowering plants.

Are bees found on every continent?

Yes, in fact the honey bee was brought to North America by English colonists.

What is continent without bees?

There are many species of bees living in the world today. The only continent in the world lacking bees is Antarctica. There are not enough plants to sustain bees and the climate is too cold for them to live there.