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Q: Before 1860 the social institution that most bound rural Americans was the?
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What is the lowest social class farmed noble lands?

The lowest social class that farmed noble lands were serfs. Serfs were bound to the land they worked on and were obligated to provide labor, goods, and services to the noble landowner in exchange for protection and a plot of land for themselves. They had limited freedoms and were under the authority of the noble landowner.

What is meant by the term social solidarity in sociology?

Social solidarity refers to the cohesion and cooperation within a society, where individuals are bound together by shared values, norms, and beliefs. It serves as the basis for social order and stability, creating a sense of unity and collective responsibility among community members. Solidarity can manifest in various forms, such as through mutual support, collective action, and a sense of belonging to a common group.

How does the Social Pyramid affect your life?

The social pyramid can influence access to resources, opportunities, and social status based on one's position within the hierarchy. It can impact individuals' interactions, relationships, and sense of belonging in society. Understanding the social pyramid can help navigate social dynamics and disparities in various aspects of life.

What is the difference between a serf and a commoner?

A serf is a person who is bound to the land they work on and is subject to the control of a lord, whereas a commoner is a person who is not nobility but has more freedom to move and work. Serfs have limited rights and are tied to the land, while commoners have more autonomy and social mobility.

What is culture bound values?

Culture-bound values are beliefs, norms, and behaviors that are specific and unique to a particular culture. These values shape how individuals within that culture perceive and interact with the world around them. Culture-bound values can include attitudes towards family, religion, power dynamics, gender roles, and societal hierarchies.

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What has the author Yen Le Espiritu written?

Yen Le Espiritu has written: 'Home bound' -- subject(s): Filipino Americans, Relations, Ethnic identity, Family, Social conditions, Transnationalism, Racism 'Asian American women and men' -- subject(s): Social conditions, Asian Americans 'Asian American women and men' -- subject(s): Social conditions, Asian Americans

What event involved horses and was passion of all social classes and bound wealthy and poor together?

The chariot races were an event that involved horses and was a passion of all social classes that bound wealthy and poor together.

What does inspect before you bound mean?

The phrase, Inspect before you Bound, means, if you are doing dangerous things, inspect the area first. Don't just go for it

Why did separation become important to Americans?

Tea, taxes, freemasonry, and it was just bound to happen eventually.

What does pre-bound mean?

Pre-bound refers to books that have been bound by the publisher before being sold. These books usually have unchangeable covers and are typically sold to libraries and schools.

What kind of programs does Outward Bound offer?

Outward Bound aims at getting kids outdoors and allowing them to experience nature. They offer activities such as sailing, camping, hiking, and a general social confidence building environment.

A social and economic system where serfs were bound to a manor ruled by a lord is called?

Under Feudalism this system is called "Manorialism."

Where do you get the bound warhammer spell in TES IV Oblivion?

there is no bound warhammer spell only bound dagger, bound mace, bound war axe, bound sword(claymor), bound cuirass, bound greaves, bound helmet, bound gauntlets, bound boots, and bound shield

What are the examples of personal obligation?

social obligation is feeling morally or legally bound/ indebted to society. it is a moral responsibility to do something generally acceptable by society. For example, parents have a social obligation to teach children good manners.

Is an insect a eukartyote?

Yes. Eukaryote (Eu - true, karyote - nucleus) means that the DNA is in a membrane bound organelle. Animals, plants, fungi, and protists are eukaryotic. On the other side, Prokaryote (Pro - before, karyote - nucleus) means that the cell was before the nucleus "evolved" (if you believe in evolution) either way, it means that the DNA is NOT bound by a membrane bound oganelle.

Is larissa a outgoing person and is very social?

yes larissa is very social and is very outgoing she is beutiful and is very geneous to every one around and she is bound to end up with a guy named derek breunig

A group of families bound together under a single leadership?

This is known as a clan. Within a clan, families share common ancestry, history, and traditions, and are typically led by a chief or another prominent figure. The clan structure emphasizes unity and support among its members.