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Energy is transferred to friction and vibration as it is converted between different forms.

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Angelique Jones

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Q: Before dinner Mr. Larsen pushes his daughter Sally on her swing for a few minutes. The chain creaks and rubs against the metal hook at the top of the bar as she swings through the air. After he stops?
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If there is a small hole in the condom that you barley can see can sperm still get through?

Yes, a small hole in a condom can still allow sperm to pass through, as sperm are microscopic and can easily slip through even tiny openings. It's important to always check condoms for any damage before use to ensure they provide effective protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

If workers in a distant stone quarry are blasting why can you feel the explosion in your feet before you hear it?

The reason you feel the explosion in your feet before you hear it is due to the difference in the speed of sound through different mediums. The shockwave travels faster through solid material (like the ground) than through the air, so you sense the vibrations in the ground before you hear the sound through the air.

Why does sun seem to appear two minutes before actual sunrise?

This phenomenon is called atmospheric refraction. The Earth's atmosphere bends or refracts sunlight, causing it to appear above the horizon before the actual sunrise. This refraction effect is more pronounced closer to the horizon and varies depending on atmospheric conditions.

What happens to the matter through which wave passes after the wave is gone?

It will be like it was before

What happens to electric current before it enters you home?

Before entering your home, electric current typically travels through a network of power lines and transformers to step down the voltage for safe domestic use. It may also go through a meter to measure usage before entering your home's electrical panel.

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When did Jane start working for CBI in The Mentalist?

Five years before the first episode, a short time before Red John kills Jane's wife and daughter for speaking out against him.

If you are court ordered to demolish your house in PA. by a specific date can you quitclaim it to your daughter before that date to prevent you from being in contempt and give you time for repairs?

No. The property is subject to the Demolition Order even if you transfer it to your daughter. Also, the order was issued against you and if you fail to obey it sanctions will be imposed against you.

Did ernest Rutherford have children?

Yes he had a daughter, she died before him. (Two days before Christmas.) Yes he had a daughter, she died before him. (Two days before Christmas.) Yes he had a daughter, she died before him. (Two days before Christmas.)

What do you do before you go against the hertrome city gym leader?

go through the foggy route

How many minutes is it before noon if 70 minutes?

50 minutes before noon.

Your daughter is seventeen In Virginia can she move out on her own against her fathers will?

No. She can, however, go before a judge and request to be emancipated without your consent. You can try to contest it, too.

When a body cell divides through the process of mitosis what is the number of chromosomes in the daughter cells?

After mitosis each daughter cell contains 46 chromosomes as the DNA replicates itself before the cell divides

10 minutes before 9?

10 minutes before nine is what

What if you are in love with your daughter?

A father should only have a parental love for their daughter and to have a physical or emotional romantic love for their daughter is incest and against the law. It is wise for a father to seek professional help before this type of love causes a disaster that can never be rectified between father and daughter. Meanwhile, see less of your daughter if possible and if she is around then keep yourself busy while you are also receiving professional help.

How many minutes is it before 12 if 20 minutes ago?

It would be 40 minutes before 12.

What is 10 minutes to 3?

It is 10 minutes before the hour of 3 o'clock.It is 10 minutes before the hour of 3 o'clock.It is 10 minutes before the hour of 3 o'clock.It is 10 minutes before the hour of 3 o'clock.

What is 12 minutes before 6?

12 minutes before 6 is 5:48.