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you can't hear it because it

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Q: If workers in a distant stone quarry are blasting why can you feel the explosion in your feet before you hear it?
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Why is the light of a distant explosion seen first before the sound of the explosion is heard?

Simply because light travels faster than sound. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second while the speed of sound is only about 1,126 feet per second. Therefore, you see the explosion before hearing the blast. It's the same when you experience a thunderstorm - you see the lightning, and the thunder follows after a few seconds - depending how close you are to it.

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what ends up happening is that u will see the explosive before you can hear it because the speed of light passes through the atmosphere faster than that of sound.

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Tremor will be felt first because both the shock (tremor) in the ground and the sound behave as waves -- the tremor is essentially a sound wave in the ground. The tremor will be felt first because the ground is more dense than the air, and the speed of sound increases directly in relationship to increases (although I don't know the specific mathematical relationship) in the density of the material through which it is traveling.

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It was before War was declared.

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Well, 2000 people had died during the explosion, and before the explosion the population was 50 000 so 48 000, but what nobody relizes is that there ws a blizzard the night of the Halifax explosion so we don't know how many died during the night or after from the side effects

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You have to collect enough ship parts in the level(s) before it.

What is the last element a red super giant produces before a supernova explosion?

It is iron.

Would you blame jack for the explosion on the odyssey?

Without more information, it is difficult to determine who is to blame for the explosion on the Odyssey. It would be important to investigate the cause of the explosion and any actions or negligence on Jack's part that may have contributed to it before assigning blame.