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Trading, borrowing (probably) and theft

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Q: Before money came to an excistance ho did people get things?
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Related questions

How did people buy things before the use of money?

They traded things

What did people use as money before money was invented?

Was it gold or did they just trade things for what they wanted.

How did people get paid before money was made?

well people trade stuff and work for things like they work for food, clothes ,and a place to stay

How would we get things without money?

Before money existed - and even today! - people trade something that they have or something they can do for something someone else has or can do. It's called the barter system.

What did people do before there were banks?

Before banks people put their money in safes

How has unemployment caused economic depression?

If people weren't earning money they were hesitant to buy things. If people weren't buying things then their money wasn't stimulating the economy by giving other people money.

How do you get money in LOTRO?

Destroy things or kill People.

How did people in the middle colonies make money?

The people in the middle colonist made money by selling and trading things

How does having money make life easier?

Money is a medium of exchange for good and services. What this means is, you can give people money to get them to give you things and do things for you. With the help of other people, life is much easier.

What is money for?

Well, money is for everything. You can use it to buy food, clothes, a shelter and much much more. Some people get excellent jobs, become rich, and before you know it, you're a millionare! So, DO GOOD THINGS WITH YOU'RE MONEY!!!!!!

What is important to Scrooge before and after?

Before life realisation it was money and business and after it was people

Who was money made and why was money made?

money was invented for people for trading and it was made by old age people who used that to buy things like us