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Hello there,

Creatine is a supplement for body building, it helps improve strength in the gym, and also provides your muscle with a lot of water.

Creatine must be taken with a lot of water, due to the fact that creatine transports water to the muscle to form better shape and mass. Creatine is used by most bodybuilders to increase repetitions and endurance in the gym, but it is only required for advanced body builders and 21+(just to stay on the safe side). Creatine is matter in pure form.


Creatine is a ''NOW Supplement''. Creatine may help you now at the gym and muscle tone, but later in the future, you would have to stop body building one time or another; therefore without proper training, this Creatine will immediately transform into fat.

Advice: Natural muscle with no supplements are the best way to go.

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14y ago

Creatine is used to boost your high-intensity performance. It's been proven by guys in white lab coats that creatine will increase your performance in repetitive cycling sprints. It's not going to improve your endurance, but it will help you with speed in short bursts. And, unless you pump out hundreds of reps with pink dumbbells, you're going to see gains in your lifts. You lift in short bursts: You do a set, rest, do another set, rest and so on. Let's step outside of the gym for a moment: creatine can benefit you in ways that aren't fitness oriented. It may be beneficial to use creatine for muscular, neurological and neuromuscular diseases, like Arthritis and congestive heart failure. Creatine helps to reduce "muscle wasting" in post-surgical patients. If you're lying in bed, not using your muscle, you're bound to lose it. It also will reduce heart spasms and may lower blood lipids (cholesterol). Dr. Caroline Rae led a study on the effects of creatine on your brain functions and found that it can improve your memory. She had her test subjects supplement with 5 grams of creatine a day, for six weeks. When tested, the subjects had an increased ability to remember long numbers and their brains operated a lot faster. Studies have shown short term use of creatine supplements to be safe and it's not banned by most sports. So to sum it all up, creatine is safe, you're allowed to use it and it can be very beneficial.

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11y ago

Approximately 95% of the human body's total creatine is located in skeletal muscle.Given the fact that creatine can be synthesized from the above mentioned although studies have shown little or no adverse impact on kidney or liver

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10y ago

Creatine Monohydrate is a drug which is popular with those looking to build up some muscle. The benefits it gives include; increased muscle energy, weight gain and an enhanced recovery after exercise.

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10y ago

Creatine supplements are used to increase athletic performance during aerobic activities. Creatine powder accelerates the repair of muscle tissue and studies show that it may slow down aging, i.e. it can slow down the degeneration of cognitive faculties.

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12y ago

For those unacquainted with health supplements, a stroll down the bottle-filled aisles of a drug store will surely arouse questions of creatine, a substance whose eight letters are plastered on labels of products aimed at strengthening muscles and endurance of athletes. What is this mysterious ingredient, where does it originate, and what can it do for you? A read through the following information will solve your creatine curiosities, and will guide you in boosting your body’s supply, whether through diet or store-bought supplements.

What Is Creatine

According to Mayo Clinic, creatine is “synthesized in the human body from amino acids primarily in the kidney and liver.” This substance occurs naturally and “is converted into creatine phosphate or phosphocreatine and stored in the muscles, where it is used for energy,” explains the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Benefits of Use in Strength Training

In the 1970s, Soviet scientists reported that oral creatine supplements may improve athletic performance during brief, intense activities such as sprints, according to the Mayo Clinic. It has since gained a reputation as a safe source for a physical boost, and many research studies have led the way in determining this protein’s benefits. Eric S. Rawson and Jeff S. Volek performed one study in particular, titled Effects of Creatine Supplementation and Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Weightlifting Performance, in which 16 out of 22 studies demonstrated an increase in athletic strength and performance in weightlifting, and “the average increase in muscle strength following creatine supplementation plus resistance training was 20 percent.”

Create Creatine with Food

While meat contains a large amount of creatine, milk and cranberries are known to have this muscle boosting substance as well. The three amino acids which help build the protein are also found in many other food sources, such as nuts, seeds, wheat germ, and chickpeas, making these healthy foods a great addition to a powerful protein diet.

Supplemental Strengthening

If you are serious about providing your body with creatine to expand the strengthening abilities of your muscular system, you may be interested in purchasing a supplement, which will allow for simple consumption and higher amounts of this body booster. As it can be stressful on your body to over-supplement with nearly any substance, it is important to first talk to your healthcare professional about a healthy dose for your body, any complications which could arise due to pre-existing conditions, and risks that may be involved while consuming creatine.

When you have discovered if and how much is appropriate for you, look to stores such as GNC, which carry items such as GNC Pro Performance Amplified Creatine 189 tablets(GNC, $40) and GNC Pro Performance Creatine Monohydrate powder(GNC, $18).

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11y ago

The chemical creatine ethyl ester is marketed as a great way to increase muscle mass. Sadly though there has been no proven side effects, or even clinical proof that this will work.

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What role does creatine play in the develpoment of lean muscle mass?

Creatine occurs naturally in the body and is an amino acid. Studies on the effect of creatine on the acquisition of lean muscle mass give mixed results though and the general consensus is that creatine can sometimes help with this, but not always.

What effect does creatine phosphokinase have on muscle activity?

Creatine phosphokinase is found in the muscles of the skeletal system as well as the heart and brain. It can effect muscle activity by impairing the muscles from doing the job they are supposed to and adversely affecting the human body.

Does creatine affect the birth control pill?

No. Creatine is naturally produced in your body.

How much creatine should a 14 year old take daily?

Creatine is a performance enhancing supplement and should have the same effect on a 14 year old as any adult. Your body stores phosphocreatine in its tissues which is used as part of your anaeorobic energy system. When your body works fast and hard (sprinting, explosive weightlifting) your body needs to access energy quickly. It converts the stored phosphocreatine without oxygen (that's why its anaerobic) into usable energy (ATP). Creatine supplements increase that reserve of creatine in your body, allowing you to extend the period of hard, fast, explosive work you can accomplish.

What is Creatine Ethyl Ester?

Creatine Ethyl Ester is a newer, slightly more expensive form of the popular supplement creatine. Creatine is most commonly sold in the form of creatine monohydrate. Creatine ethyl ester is, essentially, a modified form of creatine monohydrate that has been "esterified." This means that an ethyl ester compound has been attached to the creatine, which theoretically makes it more efficiently absorbed by the body.

Can you take creatine with water pills?

You can mix creatine with diet pills. It would not hurt anything or cause any negative side effects. Creatine provides energy to the muscles in your body.

Would taking Creatine ruin your physique or make your muscles softer if it makes you retain water?

I am not a doctor but, I can share with you my experience with creatine. No, I don't think taking creatine would ruin your phsique. I recall taking creatine a while back as part of my workout routine when I wanted to have a nice build. It did make me look better, had more muscle, more solid..if you know what I mean. The human body is made up of mostly water so I think the water retention helps build your muscles too. Read up on creatine on the web.. Creatine helps the body recover quicker when working out. It is produced naturally in the body, but when supplimented it has an increased effect. Your muscles retain more water giving a bigger look to them. However, if your body fat levels are low, creatine can make muscles look less striated. I like creatine, because it takes away bloating from my stomach to other parts of my body. Unlike anabolic steroids, it does not require on/off cycles, but does require getting enough fluids daily to keep it being excreted in the urine.

If you exercise regulary will your creatine be higher?

Creatine is the substance released by your kidneys when they are failing. So in effect no, exercise does not increase those levels. Although some may say creatine is good for muscle building, which it is, but it is quite harmful to your kidneys.

What does creatine have to do with creatine?

Creatine is creatine. However, if you mean creatinine and creatine, they are two different things. Creatinine is created when the body breaks down creatine, and is a waste product. It is eliminated through the kidneys and into the urine. Creatinine in large amounts can cause kidney damage and can kill you, or put you into a dialysis machine for some time. However, this is usually caused when a large amount

Is it true that your body will quit producing it's own form of Creatine if you take too much supplemental Creatine?

Yes This is precisely why they tell you to cycle creatine so your body won't lose too much of its own creatine producing abilities. Just stay within your limits and forget about that loading phase and you should be fine. Of course, you could always just choose to not take any creatine. It is not as crucial as you would think.

Does creatine have testosterone it?

Creatine does not have any hormones in it. It simply adds to your store of energy in the muscles (it basically adds a phosphate to be used as ATP). You eat creatine in meat every day, and your body makes some as well.

If you eat more creatine what happens to the amount synthesized by your body?

It increases