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huck really likes her and feels so bad for her, he tells her the truth about the conn men

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He find her attractive because of her personality and prettiness.

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He thinks that she is beautiful and she is smart.

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Q: Explain what Huck initially thinks about Mary Jane?
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How old is Jane on degrassi?

All that has really been revealed about his age is that he's younger than how old he thinks Jane is (which is 25) and older than 18 because he's not in school anymore. Also Jane is 18, by the way

How old is Jane treacy of QVC?

Jane is 50.

What is the misunderstanding between Jane Bennet and Mr Bingley?

The misunderstanding between Jane and Mr. Bingley is such a heartbreaking one! Jane Bennett, who is the definition of modesty and humbleness, is always too shy to show what she really feels inside, especially given that her social situation, which, while decent, isn't up to Mr. Bingley's par. Mr. Bingley, on the other hand, radiates what he feels and is such a nice person to everyone. But this is where the doubt is seeded.Jane, probably a little intimidated by Mr. Bingley's wealth, is always demure and shy around him, although obviously friendly towards him. She is never forward about her emotions and doesn't spend all of her time around Mr. Bingley, but tells Elizabeth that she really does like him. Even though we, the reader, know that Jane adores Bingley, he hasn't gotten any hint from her! He only thinks she thinks he is a nice friend, but doesn't want anything romantically from him.This is why it was so easy for Mr. Darcy to plant the seed of doubt in Mr. Bingley's head, along with his sister, Miss Binlgey, of course, who didn't want to be connected to the Bennetts at all. Mr. Darcy says that Jane probably doesn't like him, and that it would be better to get away from them all and go back to the city. Charles Bingley eventually agrees.Jane takes the move very badly. She thinks of his status, and wealth, and agrees (with Miss Bingley's provocation), that Mr. Bingley would be much better suited - more equal - if he were to marry Georgiana Darcy, Mr. Darcy's sister. So Jane suffers in silence because she doesn't want to start any trouble by acting on her emotions, and Mr. Bingley waits in London because he thinks Jane isn't suffering!Even when Jane comes to London to visit Mr. Bingley, Miss Bingley leads her astray again by saying everything is going according to plan with Miss Darcy - oh, how wonderful Miss Darcy is, so very refined! The one time Jane was actually going to do something, Miss Bingley thwarts her again! Miss Bingley said she would tell Mr. Bingley of her visit, but Mr. Bingley never comes to see her. Jane takes that as confirmation of Miss Bingley's account, and returns to London, not knowing that Mr. Bingley didn't even know Jane was there.After Elizabeth makes Mr. Darcy see the errors of his ways, though, he makes everything clear to Mr. Bingley, who goes back to Jane at once. Everything is eventually resolved, the misunderstanding is long gone, and Jane and Mr. Bingley get married. Happily ever after!

Why does Jane torture Bree in the eclipse book?

Jane tortures Bre in Eclipse to get her name, because Bre wouldn't tell Jane her name by will so technically Jane forced it out of her.

What is the Tarzan and Jane story about?

Disney's "Tarzan and Jane" story is about Tarzan and Jane's 1st anniversary. Jane's trying to figure out what to do for their anniversary. In the end, Tarzan's got it all planned out.

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Why is huck so eager to tell Mary Jane that she will be reunited with her slaves?

Huck is eager to tell Mary Jane that she will be reunited with her slaves because he see her crying. Huck even cries a little at seeing Mary Jane in such distress.

Why does huck tell Mary Jane the truth?

Huck tells the truth to Mary Jane in Chapter 28 of "Huckleberry Finn" because he feels so bad for her .

Why does huck ask mary jane to leave town?

Huck asks Mary Jane to leave town because he knows that her uncles, the King and the Duke, are conmen who are trying to swindle her out of her inheritance. He wants to protect her from their deceitful schemes.

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When Huck sees Mary Jane is upset, he decides to make a plan to help her and her sisters overcome the grief caused by their uncle's scheming. Huck resolves to expose the fraud and restore the girls' rightful inheritance.

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Huck wants to help Mary Jane out of gratitude for her kindness towards him. However, he knows that both Mary Jane and himself could be in danger if his identity as the messenger is revealed, so he asks the Welshman to keep it a secret to protect them both.

To whom did Huck tell the truth about the king and the duke and their plan to swindle the girls and the real brothers?

Huck told Mary Jane Wilks the truth about the king and the duke and their plan to swindle her and her sisters, and the real brothers.

What was huck doing in the tavern that the doctor is said huck wasn't too good at?

Huck was trying to play Mary Jane's and the doctor's hand in a game of cards. However, Huck was cheating by marking the cards, which he wasn't very skilled at. This led to a confrontation after the doctor caught on to Huck's scheme.

What biblical character does Huck liken himself to when he tells us that Mary Jane prays for him?


How many characters does huck see die?

Throughout the book “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” Huck witnesses the deaths of three characters: Pap, the Shepherdsons’ daughter, and Boggs. Each of these deaths has a significant impact on Huck and shapes his character throughout the story.

Explain why Jane a dynamic character in Miss Jane Pittman?

Jane is a dynamic character in "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman" because she undergoes significant internal growth and development throughout the story. Initially a young woman searching for stability, she evolves into a resilient and empowered individual who becomes a symbol of the Civil Rights Movement. Her experiences shape her perspectives and lead her to actively fight against racial injustice, showcasing her transformation and growth as a person.

Is Jane Frederick awesome?

Jane Frederick is definitely awesome. She is magnificent and wonderful. Jane is an actress and loves English. She is in middle school and hopes someday to become famous and thinks that its a possibility.

How did Rosamond respond when Mr still John initially ignored her in Jane Eyre?

Rosamond was surprised and then offended when Mr. St. John initially ignored her in Jane Eyre. She expected more attention and deference from him as a woman of higher social status, and his behavior hurt her pride.