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Feeding difficulties; constipation; reflux disease; slow growth rates; scoliosis; irritability; sunlight sensitivity; low muscle tone; high blood pressure; sinus, urinary tract, ear and eye infections.

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Q: Beyond one month of age what are the behavioral and other symptoms seen in infants with Patau Syndrome?
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What is the survival rate of edward's syndrome?

The survival rate of Edward's syndrome (trisomy 18) is low, with approximately 50% of affected infants not surviving beyond the first week of life. The majority of infants with trisomy 18 do not survive past their first year, with very few living into adulthood. The prognosis for individuals with Edward's syndrome is generally poor due to the significant physical and intellectual disabilities associated with the condition.

How common is Lesch-Nyhan syndrome?

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome affects approximately one in 380,000 live births. It occurs evenly among races. Almost always, only male children are affected, although a few cases of the disorder in girls have been reported.

What is the genetic complement of an individual with Down syndrome?

An individual with down syndrome has one extra chromosome beyond 2N. Down syndrome is designated trisomy 21 or 47,XX+21.

What symptoms of congential muscular dystrophy begin in infancy?

marked by severe muscle weakness from birth, with infants displaying "floppiness" and very little voluntary movement. Nonetheless, a child with CMD may learn to walk, either with or without some assistive device, and live into young adulthood or beyond

What age do downs syndrome live to?

In 1910, a baby born with Down syndrome often didn't live to age 10. Today, someone with Down syndrome can expect to live to age 60 and beyond, depending on the severity of health problems.

How long can a woman be pregnant and have no symptoms?

Not a lot of women are pregnant and experience no pregnancy symptoms. But I would say about 2 months into the pregnancy and beyond they should experience pregnancy symptoms and a LOT of women experience symptoms a few days after conception.

Is there any treatment for ehlers-danlos syndrome?

There is no specific treatment for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome beyond pain management. For some individuals, protective bracing of limbs and very gentle physical therapy can be effective.

What is PACD?

PACD stands for Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome. It refers to a condition where individuals continue to experience symptoms of COVID-19 beyond the acute phase of the illness. Symptoms may include fatigue, shortness of breath, cognitive issues, and others, lasting for weeks or months after the initial infection.

The toes and fingers of a Marfan syndrome sufferer have what appearance?

The fingers and toes may be long and slender, with loose joints that can be bent beyond their normal limits.

Is it normal for a 3 month old infants to stiffen when crying?

Yes it normal for infants to stiffen when crying or screaming. It is caused by the action of crying (try screaming really loud and you will find that you tense your body), they also stiffen if they do not want to be picked up. As long as the stiffness does not last beyond the crying there is nothing to worry about.

IC may bring about t?

IC may bring about these same symptoms that you have, and it is often helped by medication, but if the symptoms have only been present for a few days, then I think it is wise to continue the cipro, if the symptoms persist beyond 2-3 weeks after antibiotics, you should ask your doctor to treat you for IC

Medical Symptoms: Who Can Diagnose Them?

Unexpected medical symptoms can be unnerving and confusing. Some have a slow onset while others arrive immediately. When diagnosing symptoms is beyond the common sense of "it's just a cold", it is necessary to see a medical professional. Writing symptoms down as they appear can be useful when reciting them to a professional. There are also authentic tools online that can help identify the cause of symptoms, but these should not be solely relied upon.