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House of Representatives

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Q: Bills to raise taxes may come from who?
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How do the public sector raise money?

The government can collect taxes, charge license fees, and raise tax bonds.

Which branch can introduce bills to raise money?

The U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 7, Clause 1 states: "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills."

What are the external factors that may affect the budget?

Expenses, taxes, bills and payments and some other debts may affect the budget of either an individual or a family.

How could you raise money for your mum?

Depending on why you need to raise money for your mum is how you get the money. To pay bills, etc,.; Take a little bit out of your job pay check and help her pay the bills. To help with medical problems/bills; Find out what the insurance can offer. From there take it to court. You may get a settlement for why she is injured, etc. If anything else...improve my answer.

What is the difference between public and private bills?

Private Bills usually deal with individual people or places, while Public Bills apply to the entire nation, they may be controversial dealing with issues such as taxes, National Health Insurance, or Gun Control.

Where can I find credit counseling to raise my score?

Credit counseling does not always work and may actually make your credit score worse. There are no quick fixes to raise credit scores and just pay your bills.

What is the only branch of the US government that can introduce bills to raise money?

The legislative branch is the only branch of government that can introduce bills of any kind. However, according to the US Constitution only the House of Representatives may introduce bills for raising revenues.

Will Obama raise taxes if re elected?

There is no way to predict, but based on his first four years, probably not. On the other hand, he may try to raise taxes on the top 1%, which he has discussed. But contrary to the accusations of his opponents, he has actually given a number of tax cuts during his first term, and there is no evidence to support the idea that he will begin raising taxes, especially on the middle class.

Will a traffic ticket for cutting corners raise your insurance rates?

A traffic ticket could raise your insurance rates. It won't raise them right away, but may come into play when the insurance is being renewed.

What is difference between public and private bill?

Private Bills usually deal with individual people or places, while Public Bills apply to the entire nation, they may be controversial dealing with issues such as taxes, National Health Insurance, or Gun Control.

Does the IRS ever send letters in the mail asking for grocery bills?

If you have taken grocery bills off on your taxes, the IRS could ask for receipts. People may take deductions on business expenses for groceries purchased for a business lunch or dinner.

Why would young kids vote for Barack Obama?

Beacuse, he may have raised taxes but, its not ENTIRELY his fault, he had to get permission and a certain amout of votes from the counsil, and romney is just going to raise taxes on purpose, and lower taxes for the people more on the wealthy side. Another reason is if your parents vote for him, your kids are as well.