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Birds are not good conductors of electricity. Their cells and tissues do not offer electrons an easier route than the copper wire they are already travelling along

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Q: Birds sitting on a power line don't get shocked because there is no to ground.?
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Birds sitting on a single power line don't get shocked because there is no path for current to flow to the?


Why birds do not get electric current when they sit on electric wire?

In order for electricity to shock something it needs to be touching the ground. Electricity goes through the body and back into the ground. Since the crow is in no way touching the ground the electricity has no where to go and thus can not shock the crow. If you touch the wire and are not touching anything that conducts electricity (like metal) and are not touching the ground you will not get shocked either. But if you stand on the ground and touch the wire you will get shocked.

Birds eat . how does the new shopping center affect local birds?

You would have to tell us where you are, but probably it will have an adverse effect on birds because worms are now stuck in the ground.

Dead bird bodies found where?

Birds fall on the ground when they die, unless they die in their nest. But they are not often found by humans, because there are many insects and animals that will eat dead birds.

How can birds sit on power lines without shocking themselves?

Stormrose says:"Power lines are encased in a rubber tube, much like any other electrical wires, such as the ones in a set of headphones, or a lamp cord. The birds feet are not actually touching the live wires, so they aren't getting shocked. ITS PATHGrowtheTruth says:Absolutely ridiculous AND completely wrong! LOL! Sorry...The reason why birds don't get electrocuted is because electricity has to flow from something to something. Birds only sit on one wire with their feet touching it, which means that there is no connectivity to the electrical flow, thus not completing the electrical path. The electricity would have no way to travel through the bird.There is always the potential for a bird to be electrocuted, though. If one bird were to touch another bird or wire while perched on the line or if a bigger bird (with a larger wing span) were to touch the wire with its wingtips, then the circuit would be completed and would flow through their bodies, which would most likely kill them.Also, it can be said that, should someone grab a power line with both hands at the exact (and I do mean exact) same time, while their feet are not on the ground and nottouching anything else, with no other body part touching the power line (or anything else for that matter) while holding on, and then they were to let go at exactly the same time, without touching the ground first...then that person would survive with no injuries!Apex- Birds sitting on a single power line don't get shocked because there is no path for current to flow to the ground

Related questions

Birds sitting on a single power line don't get shocked because there is no path for current to flow to the?


Why do birds sitting on a power line not get electrocuted?

Birds do not get electrocuted when sitting on power lines because they are not completing a circuit for electricity to flow through. The electricity in power lines travels in a closed loop, and birds are not grounded so there is no path for the electricity to flow through them. Additionally, most power lines are insulated to prevent electricity from leaking out.

How birds sitting on the wire?

you have to be incontact with the ground to get electrocuted!

Why don't birds get shocked on high voltage wires?

Birds can sit on powerlines without being shocked because, in order to be shocked, your body needs to be touching both the powerline and the ground at the same time, so that there is a path for current to flow.If birds sit on a powerline, they aren't touching the ground. This means that they will not be shocked.Another explanationTo be electrocuted you not only need a point at which the electricity enters your body but also a point at which the electricity exits your body. Because the birds are only touching one wire there is no place for the electricity to exit, and this prevents them from getting electrocuted.

Why birds didn't get shocked by current while sitting on the high tension wire?

I believe it is because of their Feet, their soles are covered by some kind of organic rubber... -edited for validity-

Why can birds sit on a wire without getting an electric shocked?

You only get an electric shock if you are touching both the ground and the electric wire, (or close enough to both for the electricity to arc) Birds sat on electricity cables are not close enough to the ground for the electricity to arc, therefore they do not get shocked.

How birds sitting on a single power line don't get shocked because there is no path for current to flow to the blank?

Birds are not good conductors of electricity. Their cells and tissues do not offer electrons an easier route than the copper wire they are already travelling along

What is the weakness of flying types?

Electric types. ( If a birds get shocked, it gets killed.)Ice Types. ( If birds get frozen they fall to the ground.)Rock types. ( Chucking rocks at birds...)

Why do you need earthing in circuitry?

so that it has somewhere to go so if you are grounded on a wooden stool or something you wont get shocked or a more common sight if you've seen birds on a telephone wire they dont get shocked because the electricity would rather go to the ground them through them

What do you call birds sitting on their eggs?

I believe are called incubating birds, because they are incubating the eggs!

Why birds do not get electric current when they sit on electric wire?

In order for electricity to shock something it needs to be touching the ground. Electricity goes through the body and back into the ground. Since the crow is in no way touching the ground the electricity has no where to go and thus can not shock the crow. If you touch the wire and are not touching anything that conducts electricity (like metal) and are not touching the ground you will not get shocked either. But if you stand on the ground and touch the wire you will get shocked.

Can birds touch each other while sitting on electric wire?

Yes. Because birds do not conduct electricity.