

Bismarck was a good leader

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Bismarck was a good leader
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What was Otto Von Bismarck leader of?


Who was the leader most responsible for German unification?

Otto von Bismarck

Is Bismarck a German leader's name?

Yes, Otto Von- a German ststesman

Were Otto Von Bismarck's methods justified by his social reforms in Germany?

Bismarck was willing to do whatever it took to achieve unification. He was known to be a good leader, but dealt with his opposition harshly, earning him the title of "Tyrant." Bismarck's social reforms were pioneering, however, his methods of rule were separate and apart from his reforms. His reforms did not justify the extremes he used.

Which German leader was forced to give up his throne in 1918?

Otto Von Bismarck

Who was the name of the German leader during world war 2?

Otto Von Bismarck

Otto v Bismarck interest in unity?

He was the leader of the German unification concluded in 1871.

Prussian leader Bismarck had a policy called?

Otto von Bismarck's policy was called Realpolitik. It involved making secret alliances and breaking them when they were no longer convenient.

Who was Bismarck what was his greatest accomplishment and how did he achieve it?

Bismarck was the first leader of all of Germany 1871-90. He united the German city states to form the country of Germany. He did this by going to war with spain. Bismarck was a citizen of Bavaria 1815-98.

Who was the Prussian leader of the late 1800's who helped unite Germany?

Otto Von Bismarck

Who was the leader of unification of Germany?

The leader and architect of Germany's unification was Otto von Bismarck.

Deadly battleship named for a historic German leader?

The German battleship Bismarck was named for Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. It caused the deaths of thousands in its three days of battle before sinking.