

Bleeding after plan b if semen did not go in vagina?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Bleeding is a side effect of plan b and has nothing to do with semen going or not going into the vagina.

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Q: Bleeding after plan b if semen did not go in vagina?
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Vaginal bleeding can happy during a period and it can be slightly painful but it should not be uncomfortable. It certainly shouldn't be painful all time. If a person is bleeding from the vagina and it's not during a period she should go to a doctor.

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everything but the itchy vagina and the bleeding. (Some women will spot though) It sounds like you could have an infection. You should go to your doctor so they can treat it.

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Haha, I shave my hair with a scissors too. IF you cut your vagina lip, you should go to a doctor or NEVER shave your hair again, and its the doctor's problem, and he/she will take care of it. Good luck w/ that! :)

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NEVER put your finger up there! If it does start to bleed GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Or it might just be time for your period. But if you made it happen go to the hospital!

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Even when the woman still have the uterus the semen seeps out. The uterus is a dead end and the woman's body does not absorb it. So after a hysterectomy it seeps out like before.

What should you do if you got in a car accident and you have been bleeding from your vagina for 9 days now?

If you have been bleeding from your vagina for 9 days after a car accident, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Contact emergency services or go to the nearest hospital. This could be a sign of a serious injury that requires prompt medical evaluation and treatment.

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More than likely it is a case of hemeroids. This can cause pain in the reigon between the anus and vagina. Just to be safe I would go to your gynocologist to be safe.

How do you inpregnate a cow?

Through the use of artificial insemination. A straw of semen that was collected from a bull and frozen in a semen tank is inserted into the cow's vagina and into the cervix by a AI gun that holds the semen straw. One hand has to be inside the cow's anus to hold the cervix so the straw can go through, and the other hand has to be manipulating the straw into the uterus of the cow. Once the straw is in a little ways into the uterine cavity, the semen is deposited and the gun with drawn and the empty straw discarded.

You are pregnant you had blood discharge what should you do?

I would go to the emergency room ASAP. You should be very careful during your pregnancy. Bleeding from your vagina during pregnancy could be a sign/symptom of some major problems. Go to the ER.