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Q: Blowing sand dropped by wind when an obstacle is met?
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When does the wind deposit the sand when the wind?

Wind carrying sand grains deposits the sand when the wind slows down or hits an obstacle.

When does wind carrying sand grains deposit the sand?

Wind carrying sand grains deposits the sand when the wind slows down or hits an obstacle.

What wind carrying sand grains deposits the sand when the wind?

The wind carrying sand grains deposits the sand when the wind's velocity decreases, or when an obstacle interrupts the wind flow. This causes the heavier sand grains to settle and accumulate, forming sand dunes.

Wind carrying sand grains deposits the sand when the wind?

loses its energy and velocity, causing the sand grains to settle and accumulate on the ground. This process is known as sedimentation or deposition.

What are the most common wind deposits that are formed when wind full of blowing sand drops the sand as it blows across an obstacles?


How do sand dunes and loess deposits form?

Wind erosion and deposition may form sand dunes and loess deposits. When the wind strikes an obstacle, the result is usually a sand dune!

When does wind-carried sediment fall to the ground?

Wind-carried sediment falls to the ground when wind slows down or some obstacle, such as a boulder or clump of grass, traps the windblown sand and other sediment. When it comes into contact with any obstacle.

What are the subcatagories of a sandstorm?

It is fast blowing wind taking sand partickles with it.

What kind of rock is formed by wind and blowing sand?

Sedimentary Rock.

What is the meaning of the singing sand dunes in Gobi desert?

it means the sound of the wind blowing in the sand storms. the wind and the sand sound like singing. They're using personification.

Why are sand dunes important in tornadoes?

sand dunes important in tornadoes as when the tornadoes come the high pressure wind take it to the direction where the wind is blowing

What are structures called that are composed of sand that has been dropped in one lcation as the wind lost its energy?

Sand dunes are structures composed of sand that has been dropped in one location as the wind lost its energy. They can vary in size and shape depending on factors such as wind direction and speed, as well as the availability of sand.