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Baleen is the keratin-like tissue used to filter plankton in large sea mammals. It may also be spelled baileen.

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Only filter feeders eat plankton, and the giant squid isn't a filter feeder. It doesn't eat any plankton.

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A whale shark is a filter feeder; it sifts plankton and small shrimps from the water it swims through.

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It filter feeds on plankton.

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Having very small teeth or no teeth at all, sardines eat plankton, which they filter from the water through their gills.

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No they filter feed through water and eat things like plankton

What do many filter feeders in the ocean eat?

As we know it, filter feeders in the oceans live on plankton . These really small organisms thrive in all the oceans .

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They are filter feeders,they eat plankton.

What do many filter feeders eat in ocean?
