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A normal dry body's resistance from thumb to thumb is about 2.6 meg ohms.

This is the body's outside resistance from point to point and not the body's internal resistance. One the shock has started the skin becomes burned and this starts to lower the outside body resistance to a lower value. The longer the burning continues the lower the outside resistance becomes until it reaches an inside body resistance.

The body's internal resistance is in the neighbourhood of 1000 ohms.

Using the same formula with the internal resistance and see the drastic current increase that will kill you.

The formula for amperage is Amps = Voltage / Resistance.

Using a voltage of 220 the formula is, Amps = 220/2600000 = .0000846 amps or .0846 milliamps.

Using a voltage of 220, the formula is , Amps = 220/1000 = .22 amps or 220 milliamps

Using a voltage of 480 the formula is, Amps = 480/2600000 = .0001846 amps or .1846 milliamps.

Using a voltage of 480, the formula is , Amps = 480/1000 = .48 amps or 480 milliamps

As you can see, as the voltage become higher so does the current that can flow through your body if you short across an electric potential.

The following list is the tolerances that the body can stand.

Less than 1/2 milliamp no sensation

1/2 to 2 milliamps Threshold of perception

2 to 10 milliamps muscular contraction

5 to 25 milliamps painful shock (may not be able to let go)

Over 25 milliamps Could be violent muscular contraction

50 to 100 milliamps Ventricular fibrillation

over 100 paralysis of breathing.

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Electricity tends to travel towards the ground. when we touch an electrical substance, our body acts as a conductor and the current passes through our body to the ground. this is how we get an electric shock.

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When people get electric shocks their body often convulses.

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Voltage of the source and your body's resistance

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Electrical shock, shock, reflex, instinctive reflex, innate reflex, inborn reflex, unconditioned reflex, physiological reaction, trauma, injury, and corporal punishment.

Why electric shocks occur?

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