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Q: Bragging is a sign of positive self concept?
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Which is not a sign of low self-esteem A.trying to look like a famous celebrity B.being self conscious about your appearance C.being focused on your shortcomings D.being confident of your abilities?

The only one in the list that would not be a sign of low self-esteem would beD. being confident of your abilities

Which of these is not a sign of high self-esteem?

Thinking that success is a matter of luck not hard work

What is self-defecate?

It means to release fecal matter (excrement) on oneself. It is possible the asker meant to ask about self-deprecation. That would mean to put yourself down or make light of yourself. A small amount of that is healthy. It is healthy to admit to one's own faults to the point they can laugh about them. On the other hand, it is not healthy to be overly critical of oneself. To admit to faults and laugh about them is a sign of high self-esteem, while running from faults or obsessing over them is a sign of low self-esteem. If you can laugh at yourself, you really won't care whether others laugh at you or not.

How can people make fun of people?

Making fun of other people is a sign of a person's low self esteem. Making fun of others, like bullying, is an effort to raise one's self esteem by attempting to lower that of anyone else's. It doesn't work, of course, because it's a way to NOT deal with the real problem.

What are the signs of a low self-esteem?

"What are signs of a poor self image?" Causes of a poor self image How we think about ourselves, our self image, is largely determined by what others have said. The parents play a big role in this, but so do other kids. Remember that when you're young, you're wide open to suggestion (mind programming). I'm trying to show you that when you start young enough or gullible enough, you can be made to believe anything. Including that you're stupid, ugly, incompetent, unloveable, incorrigible, etc. And that program tends to stick, especially if you were in an emotional state. Now that you're older, you want to get rid of such "programs" which affect you at a subconscious level, often for the rest of your life to some extent. It is highly unlikely your poor self-image came from a single event. Usually many. author: Loren Parks, Psychological Research Foundation, Inc.