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As with most things in the "civilized" world, the feelies leave John disgusted.

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Q: Brave new world what effect do the feelies have on john?
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What two things does John say that the people habe sacrificed for their happiness in Brave New World?

Truth and Beauty Food and Munchies

How does John argue that the civilized man has been degraded?

John argues that the civilized man has been degraded because they use sex and drugs which are the opposite of what he is used to in his society. John is a character is the book, Brave New World.

To what end does John come in Brave New World?

John hangs himself (almost as a sacrifice, if you compare him to the crucifixion of Christ) after participating in an orgy-porgy and taking soma because he lost all of his morals.

Who were helmholtz and bernard in Brave new world?

Bernard Marx was an Alpha Plus Psychiatrist that was rejected by his own society because he was considered weird fro spending time alone and he was also too short for a alpha plus. He dated Lenina and together they go to The reservation to meet John. Helmholtz is a friend of Bernard. He is a propaganda writer. Being conditioned in the brave new world society, he still dislikes the ideas that the World State expresses. He wrote a poem which is dangerous in the World State's mind. He befriends John and together they talk about Shakespeare. - There is a lot more to these characters, but I won't give away the ending of the story for you.

Why does huxley have 2 protagonists in brave new world?

For the most part, Brave New World seems to lack a distinct main character and having been written from a third person perspective, the book alienates the readers from the events taking place. Initially the book lacks any emphasis on a particular character, the focus constantly switching between the characters Bernard Marx and Lenina Crowne with Bernard seeming to be the protagonist. When the characters encounter the savages; the protagonists roles again switches, this time to the character John. The changing of perspective through the story allows the audience to read the novel as an over view of the world; the novel is in a significant way a description of this world, describing it to the distinctly separate audience.

Related questions

Does John die in Brave New World?

John hangs himself at the end of Brave New World .

Who did the murder in brave new world?

Although there was no murder in Brave New World, John the Savage killed himself.

Is john the son of dhc brave new world?

No, John is not the son of DHC in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World." John is actually the son of two characters named Linda and the Director.

How does John die in brave new world?

In Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World," John the Savage dies by hanging himself. After being deeply disturbed and disillusioned by the dystopian society he encounters in the World State, John decides to end his own life as an act of defiance against the dehumanizing world he can't bear to live in.

Where did john receive his education in Brave New World?

In "Brave New World," John was born and raised on the Savage Reservation, where he did not receive a formal education. He learned about the world through his own observations and experiences in the tribal community.

Why does john throw up in the brave new world?

Because John is a magical unicorn from mars.

In 'Brave New World' how does society label John?

He is characterized as a "savage".

Who is john's father father in brave new world?

In "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, John's father is Thomas, who is known as the Director in the World State. However, the father of Thomas (the Director) is never explicitly mentioned in the novel.

Who did john stab and why brave new world?

John stabbed Lenina because he was overcome with a mix of desire and disgust after she tried to seduce him. He saw her actions as a symbol of everything he found repulsive about the society in Brave New World.

What actors and actresses appeared in Brave New World - 1999?

The cast of Brave New World - 1999 includes: Martin McGreechin John Ward Nielsen as Helicopter Pilot

How is John the Savage's name ironic in Brave New World?

John is called "the Savage" initially because he was not living in the civilized world, but on the "Savage Reservation."

In the book brave new world who wants to be free to be happy in his own way?
