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hyperpnea (hyper- means excessive, and -pnea means breathing)

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This is called hyperventilation.

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Q: Breathing commonly associated with exertion that is deeper and more rapid than is normal at rest is known as what?
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What happens to your breathing after you run?

Your breathing becomes deeper and faster.

If you breathe less often does it mean that you are breathing deeper?

No, it just means your oxygen requirement is not high enough for your brain to activate the breathing mechanism to go faster or deeper. You can overcome this consciously by breathing faster and deeper, but this would cause you to hyperventilate and pass out.

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they cause vasoconstriction 2. they cause vasodilation 3. they stimulate deeper breathing 4. they relax muscles in the air passages

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Stomach breathing is not actually breathing into your stomach. It is breathing as a result of activating your diaphragm - which sits just above your stomach and pushes on your stomach when its pulling air. Diaphragm breathing is deeper breathing and it's where you pull more air into your lungs. Once the deeper parts of your lungs are filled, the air fills the upper part of your lungs in your chest...

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Aid in respiration - usually deeper breathing

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you must take deeper breaths(slowing your breathing pace down) which will also allow more air in and out

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The reflex associated with the sensory stimulation of the pulmonary stretch receptors is known as the Hering-Breuer reflex. It is responsible for inhibiting inspiration to prevent overinflation of the lungs, promoting expiration and maintaining normal breathing patterns.

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more carbon dioxide will diffuse out of the blood

Is fall in love when get breathing heavily?

Nope. That is infatuation. Love is deeper than the physical "symptoms" you may feel.

When you exercise why do you respire more?

Your muscles produce a lot more carbon dioxide and you have to remove it from the body. You do this by breathing deeper and faster.

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Recent studies indicate that deeper knowledge of mathematics and science requires.

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there is higher pressure the deeper you travel into the ocean. this pressure is detrimental to health. also breathing is an issue.