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The HMS Gaspee.

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Q: The british customs schooner that ran around providence Rhode Island and was attacked and burned by colonists?
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Who warned the colonists that the British were being attacked?

Paul Revere

Why is the Boston massacre viewed as a symbol of british tyranny?

It was A symbol of Aggression. British Soldiers attacked a group of colonists

Why was the cutter gaspee burned down?

On June 9, 1772 the British revenue schooner, Cutter Gaspee, ran aground in Rhode Island. Colonists set fire to the ship during the night.

Who led the attack on the British schooner the Gaspee?

John Brown

Why did the colonists hold their fire until the last minute in the American revolution at Breeds Hill in the Battle of Bunker Hill?

With little ammo, waiting gave the colonists an advantage over the British, who attacked three times. Because they waited, the colonists lost 400 men while the British lost over 1,000. However, the British defeated the Americans at the Battle of Bunker Hill in Massachusetts.

Why did the colonists fight of british?

The British were taxing the colonists without representation in Parliament.

Why were colonists angry with the British now?

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What was the term applied by the british to the colonists?

The colonists called the British soldiers Red Coats. This is because of the uniforms they wore, which were red. The British called the colonists Yankees.

Who attacked the british?


What languages were spoken by British colonists?

They spoke English.

What did colonists do to upset the British?

The colonists were British and when they declared independence they were seen as traitors by the king.

Why did colonists form committees to enforce nonimportation agreement?

To ensure that colonists observed the boycott of British goods