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Q: Bromine chlorine iodine state intermolecular forces?
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What are the elements that belong in the halogen family of elements?

Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, and Astatine.

Which halogen is more active chlorine bromine or iodine?

chlorine is more active than bromine which is more active than iodine

What is the largest atom bromine fluorine iodine chlorine?


Why is Chlorine a gas Bromine a liquid and Iodine a solid at room temperature?

Van der waals forces are present in all three chlorine, bromine and iodine, however the strength of the van der waals forces depend on the number of electrons. The more electrons present, the stronger the van der waals forces. Iodine has the most electrons as it is furthest down the group followed by bromine, followed by chlorine, therefore the van der waals forces are strongest in iodine and are strong enough to keep it a solid. However in bromine the van der waals forces are weaker as bromine has fewer electrons, so at room temperature there is sufficient energy to break some of these weaker van der waals forces, hence making bromine a liquid. Finally there are far fewer electrons in chlorine so the van der waals forces are very week so there is sufficient energy at room temperature to break these completely and render chlorine a gas.

What is the biggest atom bromine fluorine chlorine or iodine?


Which element is a member of the halogens family?

flourine, chlorine, iodine, bromine, astatine

Does Bromine iodine and chlorine have similar physical properties?

bromine,chlorine and iodine do not have the same physical properties like chlorine is a greenish yellow gas,bromine is brown and iodine is purple liquid so generally they do not have the same physical properties.

If Bromine can displace iodine what can displace bromine?

Fluorine, and Chlorine can displace bromine from a compound.

What has the most metallic character fluorine chlorine bromine or iodine?


Are fluorine chlorine bromine in the same family?

Yes. Halogen Family includes chlorine, bromine, fluorine, iodine.

Fluorine chlorine bromine ans iodine are part of a family called what?

halogen family includes flourine'chlorine ' bromine' iodine.

How do intermolecular forces affect the properties of chlorine and iodine?

Do your homework yourself C: I had the exact same sheet last week hardy har.