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Red heads

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Q: Brunettes of red heads which do you like better?
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How do you get a red heads attention?

Well, red heads are just normal people. They probably think that blondes and brunettes are as unique as their hair color, so just be yourself, if they don't like what they see, don't waste your time on someone you can't have.

Do redheads like brunettes?

yes im a red head and i like a brunette

Do boys like girls with red hair?

If a boy likes a girl with red hair depends on his personal preference. Some may like blondes or brunettes.

Why do people insult blonds?

Stereotypes. The stereotype for blondes is that they are ditzy, and definitely not all blondes are ditzy. There are probably just as many ditzy red heads and brunettes as there are blondes. Stereotypes are stupid.

Why do brunettes dye their hair blond but blondes never dye their hair brown?

that's not really the case i am a brunette but i dye my hair red and my best friend is a blonde who dyes her hair jet black..... it is not necessarily just brunettes who dye their hair blonde either.... some blondes go blonder some red heads get blonde streaks..... so all i am really trying to say is it really depends on the person... not necessarily their "group" (aka blonde, brunette, red heads, etc.)

Do lice not like red heads?

No. It is not true that lice do not like red heads. There are rumors about it, but no. To prove it, I once had a friend who was a red head, and she had lice. Her name was Peyton Pendergrass

How do people receive red hair?

There is a gene in the parents DNA which gives them red hair, like how brunettes have their brown hair. Receiving red hair is like receiving any other hair color.

Do red heads look like foxes?


Does greyson chance like red heads?


Do women like guys with red hair?

depeds on the girl, like if its a nerd then yeah, but if its a pretty blonde, they usually go for dark brunettes or other blondes

Will Justin Bieber like red heads?

yes he really does

Does Justin Bieber like red heads?

Well, Justin likes Blondie's and Brunette's but for you red heads out there's still a chance it just deepens on your personality : ) .