

Brush teeth after each meal why?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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How to brush your teeth:

Step 1

Hold the brush at an angle of 45 degrees with teeth, hair by placing the toothbrush at the junction teeth and gums. Then, in a circular motion, massage slightly from top to bottom. The recession of the gums is often due to the fact we had brushed his teeth too strong for years. Step 2

Clean each side of each tooth. Masticators side, the side of the cheek and the language. Step 3

Go slowly without pressing. A good brushing should take 2 to 3 minutes. Try timing. Step 4

Change your way of brushing teeth. Most people brush their teeth still in the same way. This means that they lack the same places. Try changing your normal routine. Step 5

Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and rounded. A good brush cleans better. Choose a size and shape of brush that allows you to reach the back teeth. There are many kinds of toothbrushes, then ask your dentist to suggest the one you are most suited. Dentist's recommends changing toothbrushes every 3 months.

teeth in the minutes after the meal

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yes its a very good practice to brush the teeth straight after meal.

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brush your teeth with Colgate toothpaste. after every meal brush your teeth and Wait for results

How often and when is it important to brush your teeth?

It's important to brush your teeth after every meal so there is no plaque buildup.

What can you do to prevent the harmful effects of oral bacteria?

Brush your teeth at least twice each day (more if you can, after each meal), and frequent use of a mouth wash.

How often do you have to brush your teeth?

After every meal or at least two times a day.

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Dolphins have cone shaped teeth. Theydo not use them to chew though. They sallow their meal whole.

Is it ok to brush your teeth in the morning?

Absolutely! In addition, you should bush after every meal.

What are the two rules for whiter teeth?

The rules for whiter teeth are to avoid coffee, tea and cigarettes because these stain your teeth. Brush them after every meal.

What is the most important way to prevent dental disease?

brush your teeth! brush your teeth! and floss! dont forget to floss! and rinse with mouthwash! dont forget the mouthwash! and how about that toothpaste! make sure you brush after EVERY MEAL!

The ideal number of times one must brush ina day is once or twice or thrice?

The ideal is none of those options. One should - ideally - brush your teeth morning and night and after each and every meal.

Do braces change your teeth color?

It depends. If you brush after every meal, it won't. If you don't, they will leave permanent white spots on your teeth.

What is a treatment for bad breath?

Bad breath originates in the mouth. There are several things that may be done to prevent or eliminate bad breath. See a dentist twice each year to be sure the teeth and gums are in good condition. Floss the teeth daily. Scrape or brush the tongue and brush the teeth thoroughly with a soft tooth brush after each meal. A tongue scraper can be purchased most places where tooth paste and tooth brushes are sold.