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Q: Burning of magnesium is exothermic or endothermic?
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Is burning a match an endothermic or exothermic change?

Burning a match is an exothermic change because energy is being released.

Is the reaction of magnesium sulfate and water exothermic or endothermic?

It is not a chemical reaction, it is dissolution; this physical process is exothermic.

Is the chemical reaction for the combustion of magnesium endothermic or exothermic?

The combustion of magnesium is exothermic because it releases heat energy as it reacts with oxygen to form magnesium oxide.

Is magnesium ribbon burns an endothermic reaction or an exothermic reaction?

The reaction is highly exothermic as heat energy is released from the system to the surroundings whereas in endothermic the heat is absorbed from the surroundings into the system and you can also observe or see the smoke coming out of the apparatus in which the reaction is occurring or taking place.Heat energy is being released in the form of smoke.Therefore the reaction is exothermic.

Is burning alcohol endothermic or exothermic?

When something burns it gives off heat. Therefore, it is exothermic.

What is the first electron affinity of magnesium and is it exothermic or endothermic?

The first electron affinity of magnesium is exothermic. This means that energy is released when a neutral magnesium atom gains an electron to form a magnesium ion.

Is paper burning with bright flames exothermic or endothermic?

Exothermic, for within an endothermic (situation) there would be a drop of temperature *excuse my spelling if you would* , therefore to continue burning it will need to absorb the heat, where as exothermic reactions energy will be released as heat.

Is paper burning with a bright flame is endothermic or exothermic?

Exothermic, for within an endothermic (situation) there would be a drop of temperature *excuse my spelling if you would* , therefore to continue burning it will need to absorb the heat, where as exothermic reactions energy will be released as heat.

Is burning petrol exothermic or endothermic?

Burning petrol is an exothermic process. It releases heat and light as energy is given off during the combustion of petrol.

Is combustion of magnesium reaction with exothermic or endothermic?

The combustion of magnesium is an exothermic reaction because it releases heat energy. The bright white light and high temperatures produced in the reaction are characteristics of exothermic reactions.