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In the sense that humans have PARTIALLY undone the horrible damage they did to the way that Yellowstone was intended to be at its creation, the successful re-introduction of wolves has been a goal achieved.

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Q: By introducing wolves to Yellowstone have their goals been achieved?
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Why did ecologist want to reintroduce wolves to Yellowstone Park What goals did they have and have goals been achieved?

Ecologists studying the ecosystems of Yellowstone Park started noticing that was degrading. The plants in the park were being overgrazed, which started to affect the river beds. Once the plants/vegetation started degrading, fewer birds were being spotted in the area. This was due to the fact, that they used these plants for nesting materials and shelter. There was also an increased in the coyote population, which started affecting the populations of other animals. Without the wolf, the entire ecosystem was degrading. The Ecologists hoped that by reintroducing the wolves, the ecosystem would be able to correct itself and balance out. Within the first year, ecologists started noticing positive changes, and within three years, the ecosystem had almost completely restored itself. The other benefit, was economical, once word had gotten out about the wolves, tourism to Yellowstone increased.

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