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The Federal Reserve did this country a small disfavor by keeping interest rates low for a long time. This caused an artificial inflation in the value of the dollar that raised the price of a lot of goods (ie: oil) needlessly. This has been going on since Greenspan, although he neither knew it was going on nor acted in malice. The Fed was caught in a hard place with the credit crisis as inflation began to rear its ugly head and banks cried for cheap cash. Rates were already low so the Fed was relectant to lower them for fear of inflation kicking into overdrive. So the Fed was not as prepared as it should have been for the credit crisis. Had they kept interest rates at a much more market-determined level, they would have had a much easier time dealing with the credit crisis (probably making it much more mild than it is now) by drastically lowering rates without fear of a lot of inflation. The Fed did NOT cause the credit crisis by keeping rates low, they merely unknowingly tied their own hands when it came to dealing with it.

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Q: By keeping interest rates at an all time lows do you think the Federal Reserve was acting in the best interest of the country?
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