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The work is 347 joules.

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Q: Calculate the work done for an object moved 62 meters by a force of 5.6 newtons in 30 minutes?
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What Calculate the work done when a 15-kilogram object is moved 12.4 meters by a force having 3.4 newtons?

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Formula to calculate work in physics?

W=Fd Where F is the force on the object and d is that distance that the object traveled. If F is in Newtons and d is in meters, then works will be in joules.

How do you calculate the force of gravity upon an object using the constant for Earth based gravity?

Force of gravity is essentially another way of asking for the weight of the object. To calculate this, you take the mass of the object (in kilograms) and multiply it by the gravitational acceleration of the Earth (9.8 m/s2 --9.8 meters squared). Your answer will be in Newtons (N).

How much newtons are in 2 meters?

A Newton is a unit of force, while meters measure distance. They are not directly convertible.

How do you get the newtons of an object?

To calculate the force in newtons, you need to multiply the mass of the object in kilograms by the acceleration due to gravity in meters per second squared. The formula is F = ma, where F is the force in newtons, m is the mass in kilograms, and a is the acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2.

How much work is done on an object if 6 newtons of force are applied to the object and it moves 3 meters?

The work done on an object is calculated by multiplying the force applied by the distance moved in the direction of the force. In this case, the work done would be 18 joules, which is equal to 6 newtons multiplied by 3 meters.

What is the formula to calculate displacement with joules and newtons?

Displacement is a physical quantity measured in units of length (meters), while joules and newtons are units of energy and force respectively. There is no formula to directly calculate displacement from joules and newtons. Displacement is determined by the motion and position of an object and can be calculated using equations of motion or geometry depending on the specific scenario.

How do you calculate mass if you are only given weight in Newtons?

Weight = (mass) x (local acceleration of gravity). Mass = (weight) / (local acceleration of gravity) If you know the weight and the local acceleration of gravity, you can calculate the mass. Anywhere on or near the surface of the earth, the local acceleration of gravity is about 9.82 meters per second2 . As an example, an object with a weight of 9.82 newtons has a mass of one kilogram.

How much work is needed to lift an object that weighs 500 newtons to a height of 8 meters?

The work done to lift the object is equal to the force applied multiplied by the distance moved in the direction of the force. In this case, the work done would be 500 newtons x 8 meters = 4000 joules.

What force must be used to do 224 joules of work on an object over a distance of 32 meters?

The work done on an object is equal to the force applied multiplied by the distance over which it is applied. Therefore, to calculate the force, you would divide the work done by the distance. In this case, the force required would be 224 joules / 32 meters = 7 Newtons.

Does the amount of newtons affect the distance of an object?

The amount of force applied (measured in newtons) affects the acceleration of an object, which in turn can affect the distance the object travels. A greater force can lead to greater acceleration and thus the object covering a greater distance in a given time period.

How can you calculate the mass of an object if it weighs 800 newtons?

The difference between weight and mass is that weight is a force and mass is a measure of the amount of matter within an object. To get mass from weight, divide by the gravitational constant. In this case, 9.8 meters per second2. 800/9.8 = 81.632 kilograms.