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you will get a value with (+) or (-) value from (BS-FS) equation.
(+) values are put in rise column and (-) values are put in fall column.
to calculate RL for each point, add the + value to know RL and subtract the (-) value to know RL.

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Q: Calculation of reduced level in rise and fall method?
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Why do you think the water in the delta is saltier in the fall than in the spring?

The water in the delta is saltier in the fall than in the spring because there is less freshwater input from snowmelt and rainfall during the fall season. This reduced freshwater input allows saltwater from the ocean to intrude further into the delta, increasing the overall salinity of the water.

Why does the water level rise after a tsunami?

Normally it doesn't. Any change in water level is secondary to the earthquake that causes (most) tsunamis and/or the rise or fall of the land that accompanies it.

Why does sea level rise and fall during interglacial and glacial periods?

During a glacial period (ice-age), a lot of water is held as ice, so lowering the sea level. When the ice melts during an interglacial period, the released water raises the sea level.

What is coastal onlap?

The deposition and onlap of coastal non-marine and littoral deposits further and further inland, due to a relative rise in sea level. If, subsequently, relative sea level falls, the base level is lowered and erosion probably occurs at the top of the sequence. At the next relative sea level rise, coastal onlap will recommence but from a lower level. This downward shift in coastal onlap is thus an indication that there has been a relative fall in sea level.

Why does sea level have to do with precipitation?

precipitation equals rain. As when sea water evaporates clouds form eventually leading to rain fall refilling the sea with the previously evaporated water. But not all rain water returns to the sea which is how the sea level changes due to precipitation.

Related questions

What is reduce level in survey?

A reduced level is the vertical distance between a survey point and the adopted level datum. There are two methods for calculating reduced levels, namely the "rise and fall" method and the "height of collimation" method. The latter reduces levels relative to the instrument height. As it has inferior built-in checks, it is unreliable.

What is reduced level in land survey?

Reduced level in land surveying refers to the vertical distance from a known elevation point, such as a benchmark, to a point of interest on the ground. It is typically used to determine the height or depth of a specific location relative to a reference point.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Height of Collimation method in surveying?

the advantages of this method was that it is more quick and less calculation needed and the disadvantages, it less accurate compare to the rise and fall method.

What is raise and fall method?

When you pick something up, then drop it, it's the rise and fall method. You're raising the object, then letting it fall.

How is friction reduced in falling objects?

Friction can be reduced in falling objects by minimizing the surface area in contact with the surrounding air. This can be achieved by streamlining the shape of the object. Additionally, using materials that are smoother or have low friction coefficients can help reduce the resistance encountered during the fall.

What is Plumbing inverted level calculation for underground piping?

It should be 6 inches of fall every 100 feet to sustain 2.5 feet per second flow. This could be used for either sanitary sewer or storm drain.

What level do you get Bubbles in fusion fall?

on level 15

What is the main purpose of a parachute?

Drag. It reduced the fall rate to a survivable speed.

What is the alternate rise and fall in the level of sea water?

The rise and fall is the tides.

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The electron falling to the e1 level from the e3 level would release more energy compared to one falling to the e2 level. This is because the energy difference between e3 and e1 levels is larger than that between e3 and e2 levels. The energy released is proportional to the difference in energy levels.

How you find the value of g by free fall method?

distance and time

How do you find the value of g by free fall method?

To find the value of acceleration due to gravity (g) using the free fall method, you can drop an object from a certain height and measure the time it takes to fall. Then, you can use the kinematic equation (h = \frac{1}{2}gt^2) (where h is the height, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time) to solve for g. By rearranging the equation to solve for g, you can determine the value of acceleration due to gravity.