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Q: California is located in what two crustal plates?
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Forms when two Crustal Lithospheric Plates come together?

The Convergent/Converging Boundaries

Why are mountains and earthquakes two geologic features found on earths surface that are caused by the movement of crustal plates?

They are geologic features because when the crustal plates move its makes cracks on earth the the mountains are one because everytime the crustal plates move it breaks the earths surface and the dirt and rocks start gathering together

What is the result when plates Collide?

The movement of crustal plates is driven by heating from within the mantle, as the separate plates sit atop the fluid asthenosphere. The difference in rock motion means that plates can be pushed into, over, and under each other.

Sea-floor spreading is a result of?

Seafloor spreading occurs when two tectonic plates move further away from each at mid-ocean ridges. In these ridges new crust is formed through volcanic activity and thus expanding the seafloor.

What are the three types of boundaries formed by tectonic plate movement?

Divergent Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are moving in relatively opposite directions and new crustal material is being created. Examples would be the mid-ocean ridges and the East African Rift.Convergent Plate Boundary: The area where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other and one of two things happens; either the more dense plate subducts under the lighter plate and heads toward the mantle, or, if the plates are of similar density, they cause uplift and mountain forming events. Examples would be the oceanic to continental crustal collision creating the Andes Mountains, and the continental to continental crustal collision creating the Himalayan Mountains.Transform Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are grinding past each other, snapping into place from elastic rebound as they go, causing numerous earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault is an example of a transform plate boundary between the North American and Pacific plates.