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you betcha, illness does not annull a crime unless it is mental. you betcha, illness does not annull a crime unless it is mental. you betcha, illness anulls a crime only if it is mental illness

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Q: California mother attempts to kill son then tries to commit suicide she is now in hospital can she be arrested?
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Can you get arrested for trying to commit suicide?

no but if anyone finds out they will put you in a hospital and put you on meds and f the meds don't help they will send you to a mental hospital or rehab

Do hospitals keep record of suicide attempts?

Hospitals do not keep records of suicide attempts, but the police do.

Are suicide attempts a form of delinquency?

Suicide attempts are not a form of delinquency, but they can be an effect. Juveniles who act out are usually very troubled, emotionally.

Do all suicide attempts end in a psychiatric unit?


What attempts were made to escape black death?

Committ suicide

What is the crime that if attempted you go to jail but if you do it you dont?

Suicide. However, suicide attempts are rarely punished with jail time.

How do you put suicide into a sentence?

Many hotlines work to prevent suicide. Many people who fail in their attempts to commit suicide say they are glad they failed.

Why do police keep records of suicide attempts?

Police keep records of suicide attempts because it is considered to be a criminal matter and doing so helps the police keep track of individuals in danger.

What does a code 10-13 hold mean in a hospital setting?

Hold for mental evaluation. Normally because of threats to commit or attempts of suicide.

What are a substantial number of poisonings due to?

Suicide attempts or drug overdoses.

Do cops actually care about suicide attempts?

I believe that cops do care about suicide attempts but there is only so much they can do. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, call the mobile mental health unit for your county. ----------------------------------------------------------- Yes, if you think about it suicide is a mental HEALTH issue rather than a criminal issue. The police are not the correct service to help.

When one suicide leads to another to kill themselves what is this called?

This is known as the Werther effect or copycat suicide. It refers to the phenomenon where publicized suicide incidents may trigger imitative suicides or suicide attempts.