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It is very important to get your dog spayed. Check with your local Animal Shelter or your Veterinarian to point you to a Spay clinic or to where they give out the Spay certificates which gives you so much money towards the cost of spaying your dog.

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What is a spayed dog?

A bitch that can no longer have pups because it has had its ovaries removed.

Dog pregnaceys can you stop?

you can get your dog spayed or nuetered or go to your vet and get special pills that can help reduce the attractive scent of your female dog.

Can two dogs have puppies when one is spayed and the other is not?

Spaying is the removal of the ovaries from a female dog. No dog that is spayed can have puppies. No female dog can have puppies with another female dog. If you are asking about a male dog, the correct term is neutered, not spayed.

Your dog is 4 yr old but she has no signs to be in heat?

I suggest that your dog has been spayed. If your dog has been spayed she will not go into heat.

Are you supposed to get your dog spayed in India because over there the dogs are just walking around on the streets?

You probably dont have to but it would be best if you did get her spayed when you get the dog spayed there is a recovery proscess

Why does your dog need to get spayed?

Because if your dog doesn't get spayed he or she will make babies and what if the babies when they are grown up have other babies? And more babies so its really that good to make your dog spayed or they might have MORE babies

Do spayed dog has teats?


How do you stop dogs from mating?

you get them spayed or nutered.

Can a dog breed if she was already spayed?

Spayed females and neutered males cannot reproduce.

What does a shelter recommend that you do if you dog or cat has to many puppies or kittens?

take your dog or cat to the vet and have it spayed. If you can't afford this call a humane society and ask them where you can find a low cost or free spay neuter clinic in your area.

Does spaying a dog help with temperment?

Yes, it does. When the dog goes into heat, they get very stubborn and they are not as easy to handle. When a dog gets spayed their temperament tends to mellow out and they are a lot easier to handle.

Can you get your dog spayed if she may be pregnant?

i am sure you could but it would cost tons of money