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you should only crush on a boy if your 12 and when ur 14 or15 then i think you should start to ask him out but when ur 12 u should just see what he likes and what are his intrests in life so when you ask him to go out with u then you know if you really do want to go out with him. and yes u can trust me bcause im 12 also!

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Q: Can 12 year olds date
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Yes he has dated other 12 year olds ! :)

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Probably it depence how they look

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do you mean dating or to watch like babysitting. Some states legal age to baby sit is 12 which is legal. but it would be at your own descression on weither the 12 year old is responsible enough. dating. its not illegal until they reach the 16-18 year old limit then it will be. these are great awnsers but think 50 year olds date 40 year olds all the time im not saying 6 year olds should date 12 year olds but still its just weird

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He might, you have better chances than 12-15 year olds.

Why do people make a big deal over 12 year olds dating?

the reason is that children , which is exactly what a 12 year old is, should not date! This is much too young!!!!

Does target hire 12 year olds?

no one hires 12 year olds unless its the entertainment industry.

Is you and the devil video appropriate for 12 yr olds?

No, and not appropriate for 12 year olds.

Would Bruno Mars date a 12 year old?

noo course he wouldnt 1 it would be illegal and 2 its disgusting and not right 12 year olds shouldnt be think about that