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I had two plecostomusses in the same tank and they did fine together.

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Q: Can 2 plecostomus be in the same tank together?
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Do you have to have a plecostomus in your fish tank?

no but they are popular for their appetite for algae. if you do get a plecostomus be warned that they grow to about 2 feet long

Why does my plecostomus eat goldfish tail they have been together in the same tank for 2 week and he has just started to eat the goldfish tail?

Plecostomus are famous for attacking and eating goldfish! NEVER put them in a pond or aquarium together. Many people think that plecos are vegetarian, but they are omnivors. If they are hungery, they will eat what ever they can get in their mouths, and gold fish don't swim that fast! Seperate those fish or in time your goldfish will be gone! As long as you are feeding it okay then it shouldn't eat your other fish.

Can you have other fish in the same tank with a Siamese fighting fish?

Yes, you can just not have 2 male bettas together.

How many babys can a plecostomus have at 1 time?

not sure but atleast 2 or 3

What types of fresh water fish are good together in the same fish tank?

i have 1 female betta 1 platy 4 neon tetras and 2 catfish in my tank and they all get along fine

Can 2 baby corn snakes be put in the same cage together if they are not related?

no because they will get distressed but if the tank is big enough yes but feed them separately .

I have bought 2 plecostomus and every time I buy one they die. What should I do?

Make sure your tank or pond is kept at temperatures about 74 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit and feed them algae pellets. Also make sure the nitrate, nitrite, alkalinity and everything else is at the right levels. Read about common illnesses like Ick and check the plecostomus in case that's the reason.

Are seahorses supposed 2 live in a tank on their own?

Seahorses do best is a species only tank. The number you can keep depends on the size of your tank and the species you are keeping. If your tank is large you can keep many seahorses together. You can also keep same sex tanks; they don't need to keep them in pairs.

How long does it take for plecostomus eggs to hatch?

It takes 2 to 3 days for the eggs to hatch.

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Can you keep red and black piranha in the same tank?

no,black piranha are highly, aggressive 2 in the same tank will attack each other.

Can you put 2 male bettas in a 111234 gallon tank?

If two male Betta (Siamese fighting fish) meet, no matter the volume of the tank, they will fight. Some breeders will put opaque sheet partitions in the tank to keep the male fish out of sight from each other. Females will happily keep together in the same tank.