

Can 5 baby tadpoles be put in with a baby turtle?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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//I do not know but I think so because it is a tiny turtle

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Q: Can 5 baby tadpoles be put in with a baby turtle?
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Do tadpoles cold or warm water?

Hi! Tadpoles usually live in like 70 to 85 degrees. They can not have very cold water, or very warm water. Also, Tadpoles need quite alot of space, if you were to put tadpoles in a regular sized fish bowl, you could probably be able to fit about 4-5 tadpoles. Hope this helpd!

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Quite often, as a 5 gallon tank will only suffice for the first few months of a hatchling turtle's life.

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About 3 to 5 months, or more.

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it is not normal. got to the pet store and ask them whats wrong. make sure to take your baby turtle. Good luck. tell the turtle i like his mysterious ways.

How old should you be to hold a baby turtle?

Well, I had 3 turtles and my brother was allowed to hold him when he was 5 with supervision. That's my opinion.

What is a suitable tank for a pet turtle?

My turtle is a baby and I have a 50 litre tank. He would probably fit into it until he is about 5-6 years old, maybe even older. So maybe if your turtle is older than 10 years old, get a larger tank.

How many years is 5 years in turtle years?

1 turtle year = 16 human years 5 turtle years = 80 human years

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How tall is Tamela Turtle?

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How big do pet turtles grow?

In actual fact, the term "penny turtle" is just the name of baby turtles. So depending on the type of turtle you have, it can grow to different sizes. If you're looking for a small turtle/terrapin, I highly recommend the musk turtle, as it grows to :Females - 6-10"Males - 3-5"I have had a musk turtle for seven years now and at four years old he stopped growing at 3". He's very friendly and likes to be picked up, although when put with another turtle, they do get aggressive.In conclusion, penny turtle's are quite rare to buy, I'm from Essex and I assure you they aren't for sale in the U.K! I got my ex-girlfriend a penny turtle but I ordered it from the states and it cost me $130!! so they aren't the cheapest pets either.Hope this helps!Dave x