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of course silly goosebomber!!

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Q: Can 800 numbers be used internationally?
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What are 800 phone numbers used for?

Phone numbers that start with the numbers 800 are toll free numbers. Toll free phone numbers are numbers that have no cost to the person calling the 800 number.

What is the difference between toll-free number and 800 number?

An 800 number is a toll-free number. Originally, all toll-free numbers used the 800 area code. So everyone knew that dialing 800 was toll-free and "800 number" became the commonly used phrase (vs. "toll-free"). After all the 800 numbers were used, and new toll-free area codes had to be issued, it was not obvious that these non-800 phone numbers were toll-free. Therefore, a toll-free number that does not begin with 800 is usually specified as "toll-free" so the caller knows there is no charge for the call. The toll-free codes in North America are 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, and 844, with 833 and 822 reserved for future toll-free use. Bottom line: in North America (USA, Canada, etc.), all 800 numbers are toll-free numbers, but not all toll-free numbers are 800 numbers.

What numbers are divisible by 800?

Multiples of 800

What numbers can be rounded to the nearest ten to make 800?

Half of 10 is 5.So numbers in the range 800 ± 5 round to 800 to the nearest 10, except that numbers exactly half way round up. Thus all numbers greater than or equal to 800 - 5 round up to 800 and all numbers less than 800 + 5 round down to 800,That is all numbers greater than or equal to 795 and less than 805 will round to 800 to the nearest 10.

Where can I look to find cheap 800 numbers?

You can go to to find cheap 800 numbers.

What is the sum of the first consectutive 800 numbers?

The sum of the first 800 consecutive numbers is 320,400.

Can you use an 800 phone number internationally?

In a word, maybe. Universal International Freephone Numbers (UIFN) are toll-free numbers that are specifically designed for international use; they use telephone country code +800, which is dialed as 011-800 from the US and Canada. Domestic toll-free numbers are intended for use only in their home country, or within the North American zone (USA, Canada, etc.). While they may or may not work from other countries, the caller will usually pay at least the normal international call rates.

Where can you buy 800 numbers?

One can buy 800 numbers from various websites. Avoxi, Tollfreenumbers, 800forall, unitelvoice, ring central and the unitel group are a few of the websites where 800 numbers can be brought.

What is 900 800?

The number 800 and 900 are both area codes for telephone number. 1- 800 numbers are toll free phone number usually used by companies so customers can contact them with questions or concerns. 1-900 numbers are usually cost money and are not free.

What is 800 900?

The number 800 and 900 are both area codes for telephone number. 1- 800 numbers are toll free phone number usually used by companies so customers can contact them with questions or concerns. 1-900 numbers are usually cost money and are not free.

What is the sum of the first consectutive 800 odd numbers?

The sum of the first consecutive 800 odd numbers is 640,000.

What are the list of composite numbers 1-800?

They are all of the numbers from 1 to 800 that have more than two factors in them.