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Yes Most 8 Week Old Rabbits Can Mine Does x

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Q: Can 8 week old rabbits have cardboard tubes?
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Do four week old rabbits need water?

No, they need milk from their mother.

What kind of hay should my 9-week old rabbit have?

Rabbits that old should have alfalfa hay

Why is my 11 week old buck climbing on your 11 week old doe?

Because rabbits (like other rodents) become sexually active as early as six weeks old !

Where is a good place for a 4 week old kitten to sleep?

a good place for a young kitten to sleep is in a cardboard box,covered with a couple of towles or a old pillow.

How do you tell two week old rabbits apart?

Unless they have no patches or anything, there should be some fur that is distinctive and different.

Do rabbits eat lilac plants?

Yes, but not houseplants, they are very POISENOUS to rabbits!!!

I have a 6 week old rabbit and a female that is 8 week old i dont want her pregnant whenshould i take them out of the same pin?

Every rabbit should have it's own pen. Rabbits can get pregnant when they are 4 months old but you don't want them to.

Is it OK if your 12 week old bunny gets pregnant?

If your rabbit is only 4 weeks old she will not be pregnant. Rabbits cannot become pregnant until they reach puberty and a 4 week old bunny is not even old enough to have been weaned, let alone to have reached puberty yet. NO, they have to be 4-6months old.

Can rabbits climb fences?

No Rabits can not climb. SORRY to differ but our 11 week old netherland dwarf can climb walls.Have witnessed this for myself

Is it ok for 4 week old baby rabbits to go on grass with their mother?

No, the grass will irritate the kit's delicate skin. However, you can bring them outside when the kit is eight years old ( '. ' )

If a rabbits dies from old age does it affect other rabbits?


How much exercise does an eight week old bunny need?

Rabbits need exercise and they love to run and jump, go through tunnels and in and out of boxes. A cardboard box with a few holes cut in it placed in the middle of a room will entertain a rabbit and provide lots of exercise for the rabbit and entertainment for you. Rabbits should have some free time out of their cage every day in a supervised and rabbit-proofed area. Give your rabbit a litter box and a place to hide during these free periods. Be sure to avoid brushy areas where cats could be hiding and areas where there could be loose dogs. Provide various objects in the environment your rabbit can interact with. Large cardboard tubes to run through and cardboard boxes to jump on and play in are easy and inexpensive. Put wadded pieces of newspaper in the box and cut a hole in the side to make a nest to arrange. Move objects around daily to promote more movement as they investigate. Even small changes will prompt curiosity! It is very important for rabbits to get exercise. He/she may suffer from obesity, poor bone density, poor muscle tone, urinary dysfunction and behavourial problems.