

Can A Hamster Get A Gerbil Pregnant?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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yes rarely but much of the time with 2 similar breeds they can get each other pregnant.

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Q: Can A Hamster Get A Gerbil Pregnant?
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What is a small mouse like animal?

A Gerbil or a Hamster.

What is the difference between a Hamster and a gerbil?

1. A gerbil has got a long tail and a hamster has a short stub. 2. A gerbil is a bit like a rat, but smaller, with a furry tail and a shorter snout. 3. Gerbils LOVE chewing and shredding up things, but hamsters don't as much. 4. Gerbils come from the desert. They don't pee very often because they don't drink much. 5. Gerbils are awake during the day. Hamsters are nocturnal. 6. Hamsters have more dark meat.A gerbil is much less a people critter. A gerbil also sleeps 4 hours, then is awake four hours. A hamster (notice the spelling, no p) is noternal. Plus, a gerbil chews everything, while a hamster doesn't. Therefore, a gerbil cannot be put into the plastic houses for ever, because they will find a way to eat it and escape.

Can my girl hamster have a baby without a boy hamster?

No A hamster is a mammal and needs the oposite sex to become pregnant

Is the long hair gerbil bigger than a hamster?

A long haired hamster, also known as a syrian hamster, can grow up to 5-6 inches. Even though they have longer and messier coats types than a short haired hamster, a long haired hamster does not grow bigger in size than a short haired. Long haired hamsters reach their full size a within a year after birth.

Can guinea pigs equals gs eat hamster and gerbil food?

No, guinea pigs cannot eat hamster or gerbil food, because they're not hamsters or gerbils. Guinea pigs can eat guinea pig food that doesn't contain any seeds, nuts, grains, milk or coloured bits.

Related questions

Can a gerbil kill a hamster?

It is possible. a hamster should not be kept with a gerbil. The hamster may also try kill the gerbil if it dislikes it.

Is carl a hamster or a gerbil?

he is a hamster

Is a gerbil half rat and hamster?

no its a gerbil

What do you call a male hamster or gerbil?

a gerbil is called a gerbil

Would a male or female mouse be best for a first mouse?

Hi my name is Melina and i am 9 years old. I think it would be best to start out with a female because if you have a female hamster of gerbil or something of the rodent family if you have a male and you put it in with your hamster or gerbil female the results may end in you hamster and/or gerbil may become pregnant.

What is a small mouse like animal?

A Gerbil or a Hamster.

Is a gerbil better then a Hamster?

Depends. If you like a hamster you like it. If you like a gerbil you like it. Everyone has a different opinon

What is the name of a relative of a hamster?


Is a hamster fatter than a gerbil?


How do you eat hamster?

with a side of gerbil

What kind of food does a gerbil need?

Gerbil muisli or if there is not any hamster food.

What should you buy a stripey mouse or gerbil or hamster?

A hamster because they are cute