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Yes; Adderall contains amphetamine which can cause adverse cardiac events such as racing heart, high blood pressure, and cause sudden death in those with heart defects. Consult your doctor and discontinue use. Seek immediate medical attention if you begin to have any chest pain.

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adderall is an amphetamine that will raise heart rate and blood pressure. this is why if on the drug, you are asked not to drink.

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Q: Can Adderall cause your heart to race?
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Is it normal for your heart to race the next day after taking adderall?

Adderall has been shown to cause heart murmurs do to the increase in your blood pressure. I have taken adderall and noticed the next day that my heart 'races', but it is do to your body readjusting to normal without the drug.

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Does my heart beat fast when I smoke because I take Adderall?

The short answer is yes. Nicotine is a stimulant. Adderall is a stimulant. If you genuinely have ADD, then it doesn't make you feel like you just took speed, but it does make your heart race faster. It's completely normal.

Can Adderall cause a heart murmur?

Yes at times they can interfer with heart murmur. This can be an especialy big problem for children with heart murmurs. The type of the murmur needs to be evaluated by a doctor to see if the patient should take adderall. For adults heart murmurs are much less of a worry high blood pressure is what you want to watch in adults.

Is addrerall taken for anxiety?

No, adderall is taken for ADD and ADHD its like speed for people without ADD or ADHD if you have anxiety do not take adderall it will make your heart race and you will be going a million miles and hour and you will not be able to calm down.

What do I do if Adderall causes a rapid heartbeat?

Switch to cocaine instead. Same rapid heart beat, cooler doctor. Switch to cocaine instead. Same rapid heart beat, cooler doctor. Adderall has very significant risks associated with it. In adults it can cause stroke and heart attack. Therefore, call your doctor.

Does Adderall cause cancer?


Does adderall make you starter?

Do not take Adderall if you have heart disease, hardening of your arteries, high blood pressure.

Can Adderall cause vertigo?


Can bipolar mania along with adderall cause theft?

Yes. Bipolar Mania along with Adderall can cause theft.

Can Adderall cause paranoia?

Definently, yes

Can you get Adderall if you suffer from Bulimia?

Most likely not. Your psychiatrist will be reluctant to put you on that medication for several reasons. One being that bulimia causes erosion on the digestive tract and adderall can cause an increase in stomach acid. Another reason is that adderall can cause heart problems and advanced bulimia will do the same, greatly increasing the risk of heart attack or failure. Another reason is that bulimia is a psychological disorder and adderall acts on several receptors in the brain, which could cause severe symptoms such as paranoia, hallucinations, and many sleep/motor function control problems. Also, adderall has contradictions with several medications used by bulimia patients such as antacids, anti-depressants, and certain vitamins used when trying to restore your physical health. There are other options for ADD/ADHD that are much safer but you should never use adderall as a weight loss or appetite suppressant drug.