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Q: Can American states borrow money from foreign banks?
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Which factor contributed to the spread of the great drepressions overseas?

The closure of American banks meant foreign countries could not borrow money.

How many American banks were operating abroad in 1992?

In 1992, 120 Federal Reserve member banks were operating 774 branches in foreign countries and overseas areas of the United States

Commercial banks and their relationship with the reserve bank?

we take/borrow money from the commercial banks and the commercial banks take/borrow money from the reserve bank

Who would a foreign nation borrow money from to build a new port?

From another nation or nations, international banks and organisations such as the International Monetary Fund.

Meaning of foreign banks?

A foreign bank is any bank that does not have operations in a given country. For example, a bank in England that does not operate in the United States is considered a foreign bank to the United States.

What did the Foreign Bank Supervision Enhancement Act do?

It established federal standards for the entry and expansion of foreign banks in the United States

Where can you exchange foreign money for American money?

At local banks and travel booth ect.

Where are American Savings Banks located?

American Savings Banks are scattered throughout the United States. They can be found in just about any location throughout the United States of America.

What is the FBSEA's legacy?

It established federal standards for the entry and expansion of foreign banks in the United States

What types of banks are allowed to operate foreign currency accounts?

Foreign Banks

What is a federalreserve bank?

The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States of America and it supervises/oversees the banking operations of all banks in USA. They are responsible for the proper functioning of all the banks and they are also the lender to the banks (The place where banks go to borrow money if they are short of funds)

What is the federal reserve what does it do?

The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States of America and it supervises/oversees the banking operations of all banks in USA. They are responsible for the proper functioning of all the banks and they are also the lender to the banks (The place where banks go to borrow money if they are short of funds)