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Some things you will notice immediately is a lack of energy from not consuming carbohydrates. Overtime you will begin to loose muscle as well, from not consuming protein. also, the stomach acids in the vomit will begin to strip away the protective enamel on your teeth so your teeth will become yellow and be more prone to cavities. If enough food is not kept down hair loss will occur, bone deterioration, throat and mouth issues and so much more.

It can also cause depression, insomnia and anxiety disorders.

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12y ago

Yes, severely. Whoever says no, obviously doen't know anything.

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Q: Can Anorexia cause thyroid problems
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An over active thyroid can cause weight loss an underactive thyroid can cause weight gain

Is it bad to be anarecsic?

Anorexia can cause serious health problems such as starvation. Anorexia also destroys your hair and nails.

How can anorexia be life threantening?

Anorexia can cause many health problems (asside from malnutrition). The biggest cause of death in anorexics is due to heart failure.

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Can anerexia cause thyroid problems?

In some cases, yes.

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Does a personality disorder cause anorexia?

Not in and of itself, but personality or other mental problems can add in to case eating disroders like anorexia.

Can the pituitary cause thyroid problems and how to treat?

Yes, the pituitary can cause the thyroid to secrete too much, or too little hormones. The treatment is dependent upon the cause.

What diseases can you trigger if you have anorexia?

Anorexia can cause many problems with organs, including weakened organ, organ malfunction, and organ failure. Lack of nutrition can cause many disease or infections, as anorexia can lead to a slightly weakened immune system. Anorexics often have high rates of heart problems, too.

Why does caffeine cause anorexia?

Caffeine is not a cause of anorexia.

What is the diagnosis for respiratory problems related to anorexia?

Anorexia can cause some respritory problems. A person with anorexia tends to have a weaker immune system, making them more prone to infection and viruses (cold, flu, bacteria, ect.). This can cause inflamation and even possibly permanent damage to the respritory system. Increased stress on the body can also weaken the lungs. Anorexia can also worsen pre-existing conditions.