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Not all questions get answered.

However, with so many overlapping questions here there is a good chance an answer may show up in one of the Related Answers that are shown below the question.

All answers come from volunteers who know the answer or take the time to research it. Volunteers also patrol the site to remove bad answers and vandalism. This takes up time they could be using to answer more questions.

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13y ago
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12y ago

no, really why i have lots of resons are some:

1. you don't know if it's right or wrong, because they can always change answers.

2. they might be lying you never know

3. they might be joking.

4. bla,bla,bla,bla,bla

5. bla,bla

i have more but i have to do my home work!


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12y ago

No. Because the questions on this site are answered by humans many questions go unanswered for a number of reasons. Sometimes a question just slips through the cracks. Mistakes in categorizing can prevent the right person from finding and answering the question, or sometimes the person with the right information just isn't on the site. Other times there are problems with the question itself. Sometimes there is a question for which there is no definite answer, or the question itself is difficult or impossible to understand or additional information would be needed to provide an answer. These questions and ones that are inappropriate may be trashed or deleted. Additionally, sometimes people will put nonsense or spam in place of an answer.

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9y ago

That's extremely likely ! There are literally millions of registered users - with knowledge on just about any subject you can think of. Sooner or later, someone with the right knowledge will answer your question !

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9y ago

Sadly, no, we cannot come up with answers to every question asked. Here are the types of questions we cannot or will not answer:

Answers to standardized learning materials - We will not give the answers to any exams nor answers to classwork assignments. Questions that ask for Apex and similar answers will be deleted, as well as answers that come from such resources.

Cyberbullying - Sorry if someone is mistreating you, but please don't attack them here.

Gibberish or nonsense
- Our supervisors and users are not fluent in Gibberish.

Instruction in criminal activities - We will not tell you how to pick a lock, crack passwords, hack, build bombs, make or use drugs, kill anyone, nor steal any object. Sure, there may be valid reasons to crack your own computer or that of a former employee at your firm, break into your own house or car, or use hand to hand combat for self-defense, but we have no way of knowing that is the situation, so we err on the side of caution.

Questions promoting self-harm - If you feel that way, seek counseling or emergency assistance. We will not tell you the most effective way to commit suicide, how to take illegal drugs, how to induce vomiting after meals, nor instruct anyone to maintain an eating disorder.

Questions that cannot be answered as written - We cannot tell you about any coins if we don't know the dates, nationality, denomination, etc. We cannot tell you what time it will be in another place if we don't know both places and a time for one of them. We cannot compare or convert measurements if the units of measure are missing. We cannot tell you what is on page 57 of your workbook, particularly when you don't give the name.

Severely bad grammar - If the question is illegible, it will likely be deleted or reworded to something you might not have meant.

Spam - Please take out an ad instead.

Trolling questions - Asking things that you know are impossible or vanity questions about your friends is not allowed here. Questions designed to inflame or get a rise are not allowed either.

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