

Can Athena see in the future?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Can Athena see in the future?
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Where was the myth of Arachne and Athena?

A girl called Arachne dared to say that she was better at weaving than Athena, the goddess of warriors, Athens, wisdom and the INVENTOR OF THE LOOM! She challenged Athena to a contest! This resulted in Athena turning Arachne into a spider, which the scientific term for spider (arachnid) comes from. From that day spiders have been weaving their webs, but none as good as Athena. Athena has also been known to be aggressive! A man saw her naked in a pool so she blinded him! But, later she felt sorry for him and let him see into the future! Not much good though if you can't see your dinner, is it?

How did Athena punish people?

She was generally a nice Goddess, rarely punishing anyone. However, she did lose her temper sometimes. There was Arachne, a weaver, and she claimed to weave better than Athena. They then had a "weave-off" and what Arachne weaved sort of made fun of the Gods. This made Athena mad, and Athena insulted her. Then, Arachne hung herself. After feeling very bad, Athena turned her into a spider so she could always weave. Once, Tiresias saw Athena naked after a bath, and she blinded him. However, she felt sorry for him, so she gave him the capability to see the future. So, you see, Athena gets mad, realizes it was a bit too much, and alters it a bit. There was also Medusa, who Athena turned into a monster because she was too proud and full of herself.

Why did Athena go to see arachne?

Arachne was boasting about her weaving talents and claimed that she was better than Athena.

Why did Athena favor Odysseus?

Athena was one of the main gods of Ithaca. Odysseus prayed to Athena and eventually befriended her. Athena trusts Odysseus enough to let him see her, unlike other mortals.

How can you see your future?

you can't see your future.

Is what you see is not what you see?

Future. You can see your future but you can't touch it.

What reason is given for Odysseus recognition of Athena while telemachus is unable to see her?

The gods choose who can see them and who can't. In this case Athena just shows herself to Odysseus

Where do you see Athena first on poptropica?

The first place you see Athena is as an old lady. After you get your mission from Zeus, she will turn into a godess and tell you to look to the olive trees for her help.

Can i see into the future?

no you can't see into the future nobody can.

Future tense of see?

The future tense of "see" is "will see." For example, "I will see you tomorrow."

Who is annabeth from Percy Jackson?

she is Percy best friend and daughter of Athena also percys future girlfriend

Who did Odysseus receive a message from as he went to see circe?
