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Q: Can Benadryl and Zyrtec cause dizziness?
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I have summer allergies.?

The best over the counter medications for allergies are Zyrtec, Allegra and Benadryl. Zyrtec and Benadryl can cause fatigue so it's best to take it at night.

Is zertec the same as Benadryl?

Im not sure.. But I took like 175mg of benadryl and I got sleepy as s@%t.. not high but felt a little out of it :p

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How many hours between children's Zyrtec and Benadryl?

As a pharmacy doctorate candidate I would say that it is not recommended to give Zyrtec and Benadryl together since they will both relieve allergy symptoms in similar ways. Zyrtec is best if you want non-drowsy relief. Benadryl would be best if you want the child to sleep. Both however, are effective.

Can you take Zyrtec and Benadryl in same day?

I asked my doctor this same question. She says it's not advisable, but if your Allergies are very bad, you can take Zyrtec in the morning, and then Benadryl before bed. Zyrtec makes some people drowsy (although not me) and Benadryl makes most people drowsy, so mixing them can put you to sleep. Zyrtec dries out your system, as well, so drink extra water. Don't do this too often. Too much antihistamine can be bad for you, but doing this occasionally is okay.

Can you take Zyrtec and allegra together?

can we take zantac, allegra 180 mg and benadryl together

Can benadryl and zantac and Zyrtec all be taken at the same time?

I asked my doctor this same question. She says it's not advisable, but if your allergies are very bad, you can take Zyrtec in the morning, and then Benadryl before bed. Zyrtec makes some people drowsy (although not me) and Benadryl makes most people drowsy, so mixing them can put you to sleep. Zyrtec dries out your system, as well, so drink extra water. Don't do this too often. Too much antihistamine can be bad for you, but doing this occasionally is okay.

Can gout cause dizziness?

At times it can cause dizziness!

Can a year old take Benadryl?

In minute doses yes, but try Zyrtec (cetirizine) for allergy help.

If you get rare side effects from taking benadryl will that happen if you take Zyrtec?

Nothing. these antihistamines are different structurally

What do you give a person who has allergic reaction?

Allergy medications such as Zyrtec or benadryl. This will help ease the symptoms of the allergic reaction.

Why does dizziness cause vomiting?

Dizziness doesn't cause vomiting. Dizziness and or vomiting are symptoms of something else occurring in your body.