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Q: Can Certo clean your system of alcohol?
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Does certo clean your system for good or only for a couple of hours?

No. You mix it with water, drink it, urinate. Then after that it is clean. That's the urinte you want for the drug test. It's the only one that is clean. Any after that will be contaminated.

Does water clean your system of alcohol?


Can you take certo days before a drug test and come out clean?


Will vinegar clean your system of alcohol?

Unfortunately this conception is only a fantasy.

How do you clean alcohol out of your system for a drug test?

Time is the only sure way.

How can you pass an ignition interlock device with alcohol in your system?

balloons of clean breath

How do you clean alcohol from system?

you can't get it all out unless you have to wait for you need a wee or you puke it out.

How long does it take for certo to clean your system of marijuana?

No, but I'm researching it.. so far it seems like it may be the best method of hiding ot for a short window.. research research

Why does the body lose more water then it needs in a hangover?

Because your body is dehydrated from the alcohol and your body uses any water it can to clean the alcohol out of your system.