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Q: Can Concerta and Sudafed be taken together?
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Can cyclobenzaprine and Sudafed be taken together?

There is no major interaction between those 2 medications. However, both drugs should be required, and sometimes sudafed is combined with other medication.

Can you take Concerta if you are taking suboxone?

If both drug are prescribed for the same person, yes they can be taken together.

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No, those drugs may be taken together. Just don't overdose on the Sudafed!

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Can you use Concerta and cephalexin together?

yes..i was prescribed and am taking celexa, welbutrin, and concerta all together celexa and welbutrin for depression concerta for adhd...

Can Concerta and Tylenol be taken together?

I assume you want to speed off Concerta and then sleep with Tylenol PM? Is that right? Well first, there is no come down from Concerta, it just wears off. The next day, however, is going to be the most boring day of you life. And secondly, have you taken PM before? It suck. I have taken it far too many times. I doesn't put you to sleep, it doesn't make you feel rested, it does nothing. There is nothing to worry about coming down from Concerta.

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Should concerta be taken with food?

Alcohol, absolutely not. Do not drink any alcohol on the same day you have taken your concerta pill.Redbull contains taurine. Advised not to take with medication.

Can you take citalopram and Concerta together safely?

i use citalopram, welbutrin and concerta all together.. first 2 for depression concerta for adhd so yes its possible.. anymore questions, email me at

Can you take Sudafed with grapefruit?

Yes. You can take them together.

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