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No; there is no cure for HIV infection.

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Q: Can HIV be cured by homeopathy?
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There are almost literally no "clinical" cases of anything ever cured by homeopathy. It has repeatedly and universally been shown in clinical studies to have no effect beyond that of a placebo.

Do you believe hiv can be cured?


Can HIV be cured with zidovudine (AZT)?

No. AZT is a medicine that when used in a combination with other HIV drugs can be be part of effective treatment.

Where in India can HIV be cured?

There is no current cure for HIV. See the related question(s) for more info.

Can AIDS be cured and with what?

Currently, there is no cure for AIDS or the HIV virus.

Has anyone ever been cured by homeopathy?

Yes, millions of people have been benefited by Homeopathic medicines worldwide.

Can HIV be cured with herbals?

No, HIV (which you probably mean, HIV +) can not be cured with herbals. You know why? Because there is NO cure yet for HIV+, even with medicine. BUt being HIV+ does not mean you will get AIDS. There are very good medicines today that will help people who are HIV+ live long, healthy lives. Herbals are a good, big part of helping someone with HIV+ live a long and healthy life, but they can not make the HIV+ go away.

How are HIV infection and AIDS treated?

yes it can bot not cured i think.

Why you cannot get better from Hiv?

You can get better with treatment. But it can't be cured... yet.

What type of bacteria causes HIV?

A bacteria can't cause AIDS. AIDS is a virus which is why it can't be cured.

Who was cured of HIV?

No one was cured of HIV. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and since viruses cannot be rid of from one's body, HIV is incurable. It is treatable however, and a person can live a long and healthy life while still having the virus, although it would take a considerable amount of money.

How can humans effect the environment?

people can get hiv that's what it is called by getting people can get kill and hiv can be spreaded around the world and hiv can not be cured. it is true that's what i know abotu it