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Women do not have sperm.

If you're talking about a woman's vaginal secretions then yes it is possible and does on occasional occur during unprotected intercourse.

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If the mother does not contract HIV from the man, her baby will not get HIV from her.

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Q: Can HIV negative women have a HIV negative baby with HIV positive man?
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How HIV positive parents can have HIV negative baby?

Yes, actually it happens quite frequently these days.

Can an HIV positive couple produce an HIV negative baby?

No.. This is not a case of two positives make a negative. The virus would be passed on to the unborn child.

How do HIV-positive and HIV-negative differ?

HIV-positive means you are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV-negative means that you are not infected with the HIV.

Is HIV positive good or bad?

It is better to be HIV negative than HIV positive. An HIV positive person is infected with HIV.

Can HIV negative woman have baby with HIV positive man?

Yes. But she's not likely to be HIV negative by the time she's pregnant. ****They can and thee are actually steps that can be taken so the woman doesnt end up positive***

Is HIV gram stain positive or negative?

The answer to whether HIV gram-stain positive or negative is that HIV gram-stain is negative. They retain the light red or pink color after the stain.

If you are HIV positive is there a way you can do to test negative for a job?

It would be almost impossible to test negative if a person is HIV positive.

Can you be hiv positive after six negative test and 17 years after exposure?

No; you would not be HIV positive.

What are the underling root causes of HIV?

The underling root of HIV is direct sex. When a person is HIV positive and another person is HIV negative and they have direct sex, the HIV moves into the HIV negative person and the HIV is now positive in both of the persons.

Can a hiv negative man marry a hiv positive woman and remain negative?

With proper precaution's, it is possible.

Can HIV positive later become HIV negative?

Only if the first HIV test was false positive can the test results change.