

Can Hermit crabs eat salt

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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iodine is toxic and present in table salt. Mix salt from the pet store designed for hermit crabs and also offer spring water or dechlorinated water.

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Q: Can Hermit crabs eat salt
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Interact? Hermit crabs and humans are not like. That being said however: Hermit Crabs and humans do both need to eat, and both have their own food pyramid they should eat from to remain healthy. Hermit crabs and humans both need to drink water so they do not become dehydrated. However, water needs to be safe as in hermit crabs if offered tap water needs to have a dechlorinator used to make it safe, whereas humans do not. Hermit crabs and humans both need a certain warmth to prevent hypothermia which can lead to harmful complications or death. Hermit crabs and humans both need salt in their diet even though it is a different type of salt. Hermit crabs need the elements found in ocean/sea water salt/salt mixes and humans need the iodine from salt.

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