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No. If the hot air is laden with bacteria or carbon monoxide, yes. If the temperature reaches over 100 degrees, yes. Many people die each year due to overheating the core body temperature. Check on your elderly neighbors when summer days reach these temperatures.

If you have a humidifier installed on a furnace, it can grow bacteria year round. Keep it serviced. If you have a gas furnace, there could be a leak in the heat exchanger. That would allow carbon monoxide in to your home. Service your furnace regularly. Also, check your gas fluepipe on your water heater. Be sure there is a good upward air movement while it is on. The smoke from a match, held near the pipe connection, will quickly flow up the flue.

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Q: Can Hot Air Make You Sick At Home?
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it depends wat kind of sick you mean... if u mean throw-up kinda sick, then it depends weather you get easily sick or not if u mean coughing sick, then it depends on your body and how much it can handle