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Q: Can Hpylori infection be caused by acute appendix surgery?
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What causes you to get your appendix removed?

The removal of your appendix is predicated by appendicitis, an inflammation of the organ, usually caused by an infection. Sometimes the inflamed appendix ruptures. When this occurs in more recent times, it is more common to forgo surgery in lieu of massive doses of IV antibiotics.

Can a burst appendix stop a woman from having children?

I doubt it, im no RN or anything, but the appendix is attached to your large intestine and doesnt affect reproductive organs. I think if it caused any damage, it could be easily repaired by surgery. If the appendix burst and caused internal infection, it could damage or destroy the ovaries and other key parts of the reproductive system. This would be an exception and would be a case where it wasn't treated for a long time.

How did brigham young break his appendix?

Brigham Young did not do anything to rupture his appendix. Appendicitis (which causes a ruptured appendix if left untreated) can be caused by several things which happen naturally in the body, most often something you ate getting stuck and causing infection.

Does apple cidar vinegar cure appendicitis?

No. Appendicitis is an inflamation of the appendix caused by an infection. The only cure for the infection is your own immune system, or antibiotics. It has been common for doctors to remove an inflamed appendix, however more recently treatment with antibiotics is gaining popularity, even in the event of a ruptured appendix.

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Can scar tissue be caused by negligent surgery?

Scar tissue can form for a number of reasons, not healing properly, infection, improper surgery

What is appendicitis and how is it caused?

Appendicitis is the Inflammation of the appendix and is caused by a blockage covering the only opening of the appendix.

Is appendix caused by a virus?

Ummmm........ Your appendix is an organ, not a sickness.

What did Elie get surgery on?

Elie underwent surgery on her knee to repair a torn ligament.

What is a burst appendix?

A ruptured appendix is generally caused by an inflamation which is termed Appendicitis. A rupture simply meants the wall has broken exposing the rest of the abdominal organs to the contents of the appendix. This causes problems it allows the spread of the infection.

What is the cause of appendicitis and where can I found what is the cause of condition?

Appendicitis is a condition in which the appendix becomes swollen, inflamed, filled with pus. Experts believe that appendicitis is caused by one of two things: a stomach infection that found its way to the appendix or an obstruction of a hard piece of stool may have got trapped in the appendix. The bacteria in the trapped stool may then have infected the appendix.

Is a pain in your appendix caused by a fever?
